Quitting smoking and OCD


New member
I'm in the process of considering quitting smoking once again, but I was wondering if anyone has any advice about how OCD and quitting smoking affect each other?

I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder about 6 months ago and OCD about 2 months ago, and this is the first time I've tried quitting since. My main symptoms of anxiety actually started getting really bad during the last time I was quitting about 7 months ago, which led me to start again.

Any other smokers/former smokers with OCD?


i smoke, im only seventeen but its very hard to go long without a ciggerette, try gum or somthing. all i know is its damnn hard, and yes i have maddd ocd


Hey I successfully gave up smoking a few years ago. For me it was focusing on overcoming it that helped me to do it in the end. The first month was very hard thou! With people smoking around you all the time it doesnt help.

The problem is with smoking is that you never feel level, for example just after a cigarette you get that rush of nicotine and feel relaxed but then if you go without you get that anxious feeling, your body craving the drug :O

I found drinking lots of water helped when I had cravings throughout the day, aswell as junk food. Also I used to think of the negative effects on my body (probably a bit to much).

Good Luck with quiting


I have a friend who doesn't suffer from ocd or any anxiety type disorder per se, who experienced panic attacks for thefirst time in his life after quitting smoking. He was prescribed clonazepam to handle them.
Now every situation is different, as the old cliche goes, but there is some research pointing to an increase in anxiety after stopping smoking (just do a search for it).

I smoke and have a more pure O type ocd (along with generally higher anxiety than most people) and have been contemplating quitting myself.
I find that the nicotine addiction is not the main factor in stopping smoking. It really is a psychological dependance (at least for me) more than anything.

Because of this, I think it's probably more difficult for people struggling with any type of anxiety problem to quit smoking versus someone who doesn't deal with anxiety.

I'm curious though as to whether you tried nicotine replacment while quitting last time.
Maybe for you such a tactic would work... providing that you don't feel you are particularly addicted to smoking on a psychological level.