Questions from "A Gadzillion Things to Think About&quot


Well-known member
These are random questions/thoughts i got in a forward that come from

Some are funny, some are stupid, and some can decide for yourself. Just a warning to religious individuals who may read this, some of the questions may offend you but it is not my intention to do so.

*Is it sinful that so many people take devilled eggs to church covered-dish suppers?

*Why is it illegal to park in a handicapped parking space but okay to go to the bathroom in a handicapped stall?

*Why is it that most churches are all the first? Which one was REALLY the first?

*How is it possible to have a Civil War?

*Why don't people realize that going to church doesn't make them any more of a Christian than going to a garage makes them a mechanic?

*Did you ever wonder that if everybody became somebody, there wouldn't be anybody left to be nobody?

*Why do teenagers express their burning desires to be different by dressing exactly the same?

*If you want to have your outlook in life enlarged, why would you go to a shrink?

*If the country was at war, would you be better off living in the city?

*Does The Little Mermaid wear an algebra?

*How come the grading scale goes A, B, C, D, F? Where is the E?

*If religion is so good, why did it start so many wars?

*Is it just me or is "The War on Terrorism" an oxymoron?

*If you aren't living life on the edge, are you taking up too much space?

*If teachers taught, why don't preachers praught?

*Why is it that we all come into this world crying while all around us are smiling and we go out of this world smiling while everybody arouns us is weeping?

*Why do some churches display a sign that reads ' Sun worship 10 am'? Isn't that an ancient Egyptian thing?

*Why are missiles so called when they are intended to hit something? Shouldn't they be called 'Hitiles'?

*If electricity comes from electrons, does that mean morality comes from morons?

*Where are the other 56 varieties of ketchup?

*Isn't the real reason Man is the highest form of animal because he also does the classifying?

*How can Smurfs run around in white socks all day and never get grass stains?

*Why do they refer to deaths during wars as 'casualties' when they are really very serious?

*Why are the little bars of candy called 'Fun Size' when it is really more fun to have a larger candy bar?


Well-known member
Re: Questions from "A Gadzillion Things to Think About&

hbanana11 said:
*Why are the little bars of candy called 'Fun Size' when it is really more fun to have a larger candy bar?

Lol! Yes, why is that? :wink: