pure o?


New member
sorry guys, its me again.

to try and understand what im going through, i'll try and put it in greater details here;

I started off with harm thoughts about a month ago. but now its sexual intrusive thoughts about being gay or a pedo. i know im not going to turn gay and i know that im not a pedo. so im basically past that part. (it started to scare me when i really didnt know what was going on. thought i was schizo or something) but heres how i think. whenever i see a male or a child i wont necessarily get the sexual images in my head, itll just be like this "oh, i see a kid, be sad" "oh, theres a decent looking male, are u attracted to him, be sad" i've been on paxil for 3 weeks and going to see a doctor wednesday but i dont wake up happy and excited for the day anymore because of the thoughts that are in the back of my mind. do you guys think this will ever go away and i can live a happy, normal life again?

any advice would be appreciated, thanks a lot for reading and please post!


Well-known member
What's wrong being gay? If you are gay, you are born that way. And how do you define "child"?