Public bathrooms


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nocklmnop said:
that wasnt my point. i was just sharing my experience...i didnt mean to offend anybody.

i wasn't offended. you were just saying that you don't like the thought of someone knowing you are using the toilet. i was just saying that everyone does it. that you aren't the only one who drops bombs in their.


Well-known member
I hide out in the toilets at college :/ And also when I'm in town, when I don't know what to do - I think it's better than standing around gormlessly :)


Well-known member
ShyBeliever said:
Hi! I know that it may sound a bit stupid and weird. I never use public bathrooms. I just cannot urinate when there are people around me. :oops: Am I freaking out? Is this SP at maximum level? Cmon.... please ... if somebody has the same problem let me know. :roll:
hey ShyBeliever......OMG i'm so glad i'm not the only one.....if i have to go in a public washroom....i get so paranoid that i'm like peeing too loud...or too long..... or something :oops: ...and everyone can hear me :!: ..thank God in the girls washroom we all have separate stalls ...but i really feel bad for the guys who have to pee right next the the dude beside you in a urinal....YIKES


Well-known member
I hate public toilets...for a couple of reasons. One is that they're always gross(seems like somebody's always missed and got some on the toilet...yuck. The hole is there for a dang reason, people. And awhile back, I was at the mall and there was pee all over the floor in one of the stalls. The woman came out and said "Watch out, somebody pissed in the floor in there!" so I just waited and used the next empty one...and another reason is I also sometimes have trouble peeing when anyone's around listening...I especially have that problem at work when anyone else is in the bathroom at the same time as me, because it's a really small and really quiet bathroom.


Well-known member
I'm not a big fan of public bathrooms, mostly just because there's usually pretty disgusting, but I still use them if I really have to go, which I always have to because I drink so much water. lol.


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It seems to me the womens bathrooms are always cleaner then men bathrooms.Men just can't aim that well i guess 8O