

anyone tried it?

I recently started taking pseudoephedrine to combat ADD, it seems to help on that score and has an added benefit of improving my mood when I am feeling depressed. however I have read that stimulants can have a bad effect on anxiety disorders so I am wondering if anyone has negative experiences with them. so far I am unsure whether it hurts or helps... its effect on my mood has been good for my day to day functioning because I feel more upbeat and optimistic, and that helps with socialization sometimes. but I also had one terrible experience of paralyzing fear on it. the circumstances were unusual, it was forced socializing with a bunch of new people which is the worst for me, and may have happened without the drug. not sure what to do from this point


Well-known member
Beware the stimulant...

Stimulants are what caused my social anxiety and has ruined my social life. I started it back in September and I began noticing around mid-October how awkward I was in conversations. On breaks at school, people I normally hang out with would be standing around chatting as usual and I just felt COMPLETELY out of place. It was as though I couldn't think of anything to say during any subject and was just outkast from the group all together. I feel so insecure just standing around and saying nothing and it seems like no matter how hard I try, I just can't be as sociable, outgoing, and happy when I'm on it. All I can do is focus on serious things, I will even do homework during breaks now just to get it done and do something productive while everyone else is grabbing coffee or lunch. It's depressing because I was always known as the "fun one" because I was hyper with my ADHD and always laughing or partying, people loved being around me, and now I feel like I am being isolated from groups and I think people perceive me as boring. New kids I meet at school seem totally uninterested because I can't maintain a conversation or I come off as not interested in what they have to say. Some girls even tell me I look way too serious at school sometimes and will come off looking bitchy or unapproachable. I don't even notice when it happens, but I guess I get this really serious/concentrated expression on my face just from focusing on something or reviewing something for school, even if I'm doing it in my head.

There are days when I wish I had never started adderall because now I feel as though I can't function without it, since I know how good it is on it, and how much better I can do. Things are so much easier to accomplish now that I have tried adderall and even when it starts wearing off at night I hate doing my homework because I can immediately tell the difference. However, I definitely miss my social life and all the people I used to be close with who are slowly fading away due to my distance and lack of communication. I have never been so self-conscious and almost depressed from the lack of social acceptance in my entire life. But I know that school is more important than my social life because I should worry about my future, rather than dating, parties, and having fun. It's just really hard.

I am happy to have found someone who actually feels the same way from the same medication! I would be willing to talk to you, or even IM you and chat because I feel so alone in this type of situation, and I would love to have someone to communicate with as well about these type of discussions most people don't understand. I have so many more examples/questions regarding this same topic and would love to compare feelings/situations to yours and see if we could try and help each other out. I know this is strange since we don't know one another but it is also ironic I happened to see your question when I wasn't even searching for anything to do with medication and I have been thinking about the social situation in my life nonstop and all alone. Adderall absorbed my personality and took over the fun, energetic, happy person I used to be.

Just be careful.

deleted #89

anyone tried it?

I recently started taking pseudoephedrine to combat ADD, it seems to help on that score and has an added benefit of improving my mood when I am feeling depressed. however I have read that stimulants can have a bad effect on anxiety disorders so I am wondering if anyone has negative experiences with them. so far I am unsure whether it hurts or helps... its effect on my mood has been good for my day to day functioning because I feel more upbeat and optimistic, and that helps with socialization sometimes. but I also had one terrible experience of paralyzing fear on it. the circumstances were unusual, it was forced socializing with a bunch of new people which is the worst for me, and may have happened without the drug. not sure what to do from this point

Jeezzz what did you say to Argamemnon2 to make him want to hurt you? lol U arrogant prick !


Tomasso, I think maybe you misunderstood me. I had SA long before I started on pseudoephedrine. thanks for sharing your story though, I can relate to the damned if you do/damned if you don't situation... what to do about ADD if the drugs increase my SA? if I stop taking the drugs, what to do about my ADD?

Mr Wonderful, he's just a generally angry person, but I found it funny that he had so much hatred toward me in particular considering I barely ever talked to him


Well-known member
Pseudoephedrine is one of those things I only take for sinus infections and allergies. Works wonders for that. As for SA, I've never tried it specifically for that, but when I was taking it for my sinus infection I had back in May, it did make me feel a bit calmer.