Prozac Q


Active member
I'm on Prozac and have absolutely no appetite. I'm already in the 3rd percentile of weight for my height, I can't really lose any more I'm already really underweight. I don't have an ED or anything. I eat about 1/3-1/2 what I used to and I'm already looking even smaller and have lost a few pounds.

Are there ways to get a bigger appetite? The Prozac is really helping, so I don't want to go off of it. I never want to feel the way I did ever again. Any help appreciated. Thanks. I'm getting desperate.


Well-known member
Hi there. Well the first thing I though of was for you to get off your meds but since you seem to like them I dont know of any other way. What do you suffer from if you dont mind me asking? Having anxiety is bad enough but now it looks like you might have a new problem.


Well-known member
What you wrote above has bothered me, Loserinamailbox. What appetite had you had before starting Prozac? Has your appetite disappeared immediately after the 1. dose, or later?

I'm asking because I consider other SSRI (paroxetine equivalent) for some time as well - and my appetite is even now very small, without any meds. And I'm very slim as well.

You could maybe consider some nutrients, available in pharmacies, but it's but very expensive...



Active member
I've had horrid anxiety and depression for the past 3 years. My serotonin levels were so low that I was eating massive amounts of sugar each day to raise it without realizing why I was eating it all.

I'm also on Adderall for ADD, which lowers appetite as well. If I stop taking it, I won't be able to concentrate. If I go off Prozac, I will be an emotional mess. So it's kind of a lose-lose situation. My appetite has gotten smaller the longer I've been on Prozac.


Well-known member
Aha. Well, I've read that the first week or 2 weeks are the worst; later you should feel better and better (I'm not sure if with the appettite, but why to think negatively...).

So, let us know how you feel in some time. :)



Well-known member
actually , i gained 10 kilos on Prosac . But maybe because i didnt go anywhere except work back in those days (so it wasnt good for my depression).