
New member
Hello!!!! I am new to this site and I need some help. I was on Prozac for OCD for 10 years which was of the HOCD type after having a baby. The Prozac was wonderful. It alleviated almost all of my OCD. For some stupid reason I got too confident and decided to go off of it. Well, needless to say my OCD came back worse than ever. I tried Lexapro and it helped very little. I decided to go back on the Prozac and was up to 40 mg for five weeks and increased to 60 mg last week. Since about two days ago (this is my 8th day on 60 mg) I have had the worst anxiety ever and it is making my OCD worse. Ifeel like I am going to cry. Will the OCD and anxiety get better with time??? Prozac is an awesome drug and worked so well for me. Thanks!!! Chickie1


Well-known member
Hi, as i read somewhere youll have to wait a lot until prosac kicks in your system again. Up to six month, hopefully not so much in your case. Be patient.


New member
Thank you so much for replying Rado31. I know I am being inpatient. It is just so hard!!!!! Chickie1