problems @ home / selective mutism? (tl;dr)


Well-known member
i'm 28y/o living at home while attending college and working. i'm socially inept but functioning. the other people living in this house are my mom and her husband. i have been living here now for a little over a year.

i have discovered on two different accounts that my mom complains to others outside the home that i don't talk. apparently when people ask her how i am doing, instead of simply telling them that i am fine, she says she wouldn't know. she tells people that i don't talk to her or her husband.

why can't she simply tell people that i am doing well?
why does she have to create drama?
after 28 years of my existence why does she act like my demeanor is a sudden surprise? as if it's anything new.

my social dis-ease in the home:
i am socially inept. when i live with people i do not know how to talk to them, so i don't. basically i pretend that i am invisible so that they do not have to be bothered by my presence (nor i theirs). i don't really speak until spoken to, i barely engage in small talk, even then i only say things like, "OK," "alright," "thanks." sometimes i say hi. and if they say hi, i definitely say hi back. *shrug*

why can't they just accept that i do not want to talk? why is the pressure ON ME to be the one to initiate speaking if they want me to talk so badly?

oh yeah, and if you have read this far and are wondering why my mom would suddenly make an issue of this... i don't think she genuinely cares if i talk. she is the one who conditioned me to not talk in the first place. growing up she never greeted me and she never engaged in direct, mature conversation with me (there was a lot of emotional neglect). she only suddenly "cares" because her husband probably made a comment to her. if her husband cares, she cares. it is something about me she can pick on.

selective mutistm?
i am just wondering if this is selective mutism. i find it hard to even say hi. when they are in the same room as me i panic inside. i can't think of anything to say. i just freeze up and try to get out of there as soon as possible. it isn't as bad around my mom. it is worse if it is her husband. he is a great guy. i have no problem with him. but when he is around me i panic inside. and it's not just him. i have had other living arrangements where i would experience the same thing. i know it's all social anxiety but i am wondering if this qualifies as selective mutism.
Selective mutism sucks

Yeah, it sounds like selective mutism (SM) to me. People will tell you that SM only happens to children. But it has happened to me as an adult. I used to get SM when I felt the most hopeless and couldn't utter a word, not even to my supportive wife. Since I've been using ACT, I don't fall for the "doom and gloom" stories my mind tells me and I don't feel as hopeless. SM is also a habit that's hard to break, even when I started to feel better, it was difficult to start talking again. Chatting on-line with other anxiety sufferers helps, because we need to connect and share.


yeah sounds like sm i think im sm also except im in 9th grade and everyone calls me a mime and thinks im going 2 shoot up the school just because im quiet lol...


Well-known member
Hmm... can you talk? If you had something to say, could it come out? Are the words "stuck"?
Of course, the typical symptoms might not always be correct. For instance, if you can't come up with things to say - the words don't form in your mind - but you could talk if you had something to say, does that qualify as SM? I don't know.
I find this an odd situation. Home is a "safe" place for most SM people. But maybe it's different for young adults, who really want to get out of the home?
I think you need to get away from your house, personally. You can try making your mom understand, but you really need to be on your own. Young adults are supposed to be independent, so it can't feel good to be stuck there.


Well-known member
if i had something to say (which i don't) i could probably speak. i can definitely towards my mom. usually if i am living with someone else like stepdad, stepmom, roommate, step-sibling- i cannot talk if they are in there. well, i freeze in panic, cannot think of anything to say whatsoever, and i can barely force myself to say hi unless they say it first. if they ask me a question, i can talk. usually one word sentences, rare occasions more. it depends. i don't know if it is a form of selective mutism or what. i just kind of silently implode and pretend to be invisible.

yeah, living at home is undesirable and i CRAVE independence but i am going to college. i live in one of the most expensive locations in the usa. i cannot go to college and work enough to afford rent + basic bills. right now my education is my first priority and i will do whatever it takes to stay in school. even if that means being the loser who lives at home. someday i will have my degree, move out on my own, and it will be worth it. i cannot wait.