Problem with being shy


New member
Firstly i want to say hello to all members around here its nice to be here :D

I have a really big problem and its really pissing me off i dont know how the heck can i fix it..

Im too shy mostly with everyone especially new people.. even my classmates that i know from about 2 years im also very shy
and hardly talk to them.. i have some very good friends that i know from 8 years or so.. and with them i can be myself the way i like to be..
i talk to them.. im funny i joke its really great etc.. im not shy at all they even tell me that i talk too much somethimes but i make them laugh everytime :D..

they have no clue at how shy i can be with other people.. but its true that they are kinda shy also thats probably the reason that i am also this shy.. cuz i know them from a very long time
and always hang out with them..

From some time im really really trying to beat this stupid shyness but seems i cant.. wont give up of course but maybe you guys could have some advices for me
i really hate when im with other people and i simply just look at them how they talk and stuff even if i really want to enter and talk with them i simply i dunno simply i cant i dunno how to start.. how to continue.. im wondering should i say it should i not..and so on..
except when im with my friends that i said about earlier.... with them i can talk all they long bout everythin....

Its not a problem with my appereance.. or social knowledge and stuff im actually very happy about these 2 things.. i simply cant open my damn mouth and talk when im with other people

Thx for your time and it would be great if i could get some advices from you guys
Sry for the long message and if i made many mistakes in my english but im from a non-english country :)


Well-known member
your same as me,except i cant talk to people iv known for 12 years,and theyve given up on me.i found these people who talk about the stuff i do and have my sense of humour but when im with them in a group i just dont know when to start talking and end up saying nothing.each night i build up ducth courage saying that ill go in to talk to someon and never manage it.i nevr shut up at hom or with my frind its e4vrywhere els thats th problem..i cant find any advice that works though,maybe you could try one of those books?


Active member
when people talk to me i make an exuse to get away i need to feed my cat or something my neighbours think im weird i dont answer my door and hav to make appointments for man to read my meter so i know when hes coming ive not been out 4 5 days so i must leave hose 2moro 2 collect medication and get food:eek:


I sometimes feel nervous ordering food because i have to talk -_-" i still have a sense of shyness when i buy ice cream and have to "Talk"