Pretending it's all a dream


Active member
Has anyone tried, as a kind of mental exercise, pretending that you're only dreaming when in a social situation and feeling anxious? Perhaps then one could relax, since "you can do anything in a dream".

I guess the only problem is, if you aren't expecting any consequences, you might do something really immoral like murder somebody. So you'd have to keep in mind "Just don't murder anybody...", but that of course reminds you of the reality of the situation, and that you're not really dreaming.

So maybe this is just an impossible technique to enact...


Well-known member
good advice abalone, But how do you know we're not dreaming already?
you know Ive found out that loads of beliefs see this life as a dream, Buddhists for example (one of their higher beliefs) see that this world is a total illusion filled with conflict, doubt and fear but can be broken out of by reversing the way the mind reacts to most of this, helped by meditation & mandala excercises.
Its scientifically proven that meditation increases Alpha Wave activity and after a while you should be able to bring on the Alpha state quite easily wherever you are.
From my recent expereience; being in Alpha state is like being totally relaxed, mentally and physically but operating at peak condition ~ I know it sounds weird but thats the best way to describe... meditation is actually quite a powerful tool if used to compliment existing therapy (preferably talk therapy as drugs can weaken the alpha wave) and also it takes daily practice, so you'll be in alpha for large parts of the day after practice.
So you can live life as a dream. well, almost :wink:


Well-known member
Yeh this could be a very good technique!

My 'therapist' is making me see the 'sa me' as a dream character, so when i'm doing sa stuff like being anxious, avoiding people, i see it a bit like a dream. No massive results yet but it means im beginning to seperate myself from the sa, and i can laugh when i do stupid things now cos i'm not blaming myself anymore :)


Well-known member
Abalone heres a v.effective 30min free listening session which can get you started on expereincing Alpha Wave (you'll need to put in your email)
After listening to it (pref by headphones) the feeling you'll experience is the Alpha Wave state (which lasts for a short while, but after practice will increase in time)
Hope it helps!
ps flake tht sounds wikid! i hope you find control when you finally let go or else you mite find urself be moonwalking backwards down teh campus blame free :p Joking!

( be selling tickets to that, btw :wink: )


Well-known member
:p i'll just make sure i'm totally single first!

cool audio i been getting interested in meditation...


Well-known member
flake__ said:
:p i'll just make sure i'm totally single first!
LOL :lol: yea wise decision that, you'd be sabotaging yourself needlessly otherwise :roll:
..but then that would be a great way to break up with someone...*takes notes**


Active member
Yeah, I've tried meditation but wasn't able to practice it with the consistency it needs. Just have to try again; ideally, I'd develop a daily regimen of meditation, aerobic exercise, and green tea :D