Presenting a Fun Side to Others!


Well-known member
I knew this girl for a while and we had similar interests, just friends though nothing more but it felt really special making a new friend

anyhoo she has this other friend who really likes to be physical and touchy, for example he would walk up and lift her off her feet or playfully carry her off and carry her on his shoulders and there really is nothing wrong with any of it, they'd pretend to beat the crap out of each other jokingly too ..

i felt really horribe though for some reason and not jealous but a little envious of what they had ...

but i kept thinking to myself why can't i casually do stuff like that in public and to become more playful, i used to in my teens ...

this sort of thing happens alot when i make new friends, you run into these cliques that have known each other for years and can sarcastically rattle lines to each other without thinking ...

its hard to get used to ..

I suppose i'm better at verbally spitting out my favourite lines from films and tv and it often goes over peoples heads but they laugh anyway ..or i put on a fake accent and that's fun in a way ..

the mornings are the worst for me, i'm a sleep walker until midday especially at uni classes unless i drink a coffee, if i play pasketball or ride my bike it lifts my energy up a tad so i'm more optimistic ..

oh wellz