ppl laughin @ ur embarrasment


Well-known member
has any1 here eva bin in a situation where you've felt really uncomfortable around the ppl you're chillin/hangin out with, then they start to notice ur actin weird when the anxiety sets in (blushin, heavy breathin, sweatin, no eye contact, lookin at ground etc) so they start laughin?
Random people I don't know have, but never my mates, cos if friends do that they aint worth your time, better to be on your own than with people who don't even care if you're distressed, and they'll just make you more anxious and self conscious.

You had this happen to you recently?

Naomi x


Well-known member
yeah i had dis happen to me 2day and what was even worse is that the ppl who laughed at me are my so called "friends". i wish i could just say "eff you then, i'm gonna go and befriend some other ppl" but they're all just as bad as the ppl i'm hangin around with now :cry: you're rite tho, i hate ppl who laugh at others discomfort, its so rude!
Yeah your mates are supposed to be nice to you, but doesn't always happen does it. If you feel uncomfortable around them again, just walk off and calm down a bit. Are any of them nice? If there's one person at least that you can trust, tell them you get anxious and they might shut the others up if they start lauging at you again.

Naomi x