Pot cures cancer


from The Raw Story | Marijuana helps in battle against cancer: study

Marijuana helps in battle against cancer: study

Published: Thursday April 2, 2009

The main chemical in marijuana appears to aid in the destruction of brain cancer cells, offering hope for future anti-cancer therapies, researchers in Spain wrote in a study released Thursday.

The authors from the Complutense University in Madrid, working with scientists from other universities, found that the active component of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), causes cancer cells to undergo a process called autophagy -- the breakdown that occurs when the cell essentially self-digests.

The research, which appears in the April edition of US-published Journal of Clinical Investigation, demonstrates that THC and related "cannabinoids" appear to be "a new family of potential antitumoral agent."

The authors wrote that the chemical may prove useful in the development of future "antitumoral agents."

The scientists conducted their research on mice, first stimulating the growth of cancer in the lab animals, then injecting them with a daily dose of THC near the site of their tumors.

The researchers also analyzed the tumors of two patients in an experimental trial looking at the effects of THC on a highly aggressive form of brain tumor, and saw findings "in line with the preclinical evidence" first observed in the laboratory mice.


Well-known member
I hope the tumor eats itself at a faster pace than the tumor forms itself. Seeing as how it's still smoke and tar.


Well-known member
This has been known for quite a while. On the other hand, it may cause severe damage to your heart and lungs.


...Or use a bong.

She was referring to your post about lung damage. She offered an alternative that won't harm your lungs, and so did I. You're still inhaling smoke when you use a bong, but to be honest, smoking a bong or two per day is nothing compared to how many cigarettes some people smoke in a day. Not saying either smoke is good for you, and that's why vaporizers and edible cannabis are the best way to go in my opinion.

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Well-known member
I guess when you smoke it, you could also not use it past its charcoal stage.
Only light it until its flowery essence has been inhaled.
I think it tastes nasty inhaling charcoally smoke. but some people insist on "not wasting it"

Legalize it already so we won't have to worry about wasting a common shrub !!!!