Posture and breathing


I know carrying yourself with a straight, good posture makes you look and feel more confident. I've been working lately on trying to improve my posture, but there's one thing that I just can't get rid off. Tight shoulders. I think this steems from a period of time when I was bullied and always carried mysfelf like I was having a straitjacket. I'm feeling a lot more confident now in every aspect of my life than what I did a couple of years ago. More relaxed in general, both in the head and the body. But the shoulders are almost just as tight as they were back then. What excercises, e tc can you do to improve your posture and get more relaxed shoulders.

The same thing with the breathing. I've learned to breath more slowly and relaxed but I can still find myself in situations when i breathing were nervously and shallow like for example when I'm talking to an attractive girl.

So give me all you got when it comes to advices on how to improve posture and breathing.


Well-known member
I know the feeling too! I often slump and my breathing becomes shallow and fast causing me to feel dizzy. I often feel like i have the weight of the world on my shoulders.