Post your tips for getting rid of/decreasing SA


Active member
If you have any, please post them!

Mine are:

1. Generally having a positive outlook about life and that you will beat SA, cause if you just wallow in the dark whole constantly thinking about how much SA is ruining your life and that you will never overcome it only takes you further away from recovering from SA. So if you keep putting the thoughts through your head that you will beat it, that you're not gonna let it control your life any more then even if you don't realise it you will be one step closer to getting rid of it.

2. Remember that you can't just cure SA overnight, it is a journey that may take anything from days/months/years to beat but if you take active steps to cure your anxieties and not keep staying a part of the vicious circle then you can eventually beat it. Basically don't get yourself down if you are trying to improve but then for example you stuff up and get really nervous in a presentation or something.

3. When you are in a situation which makes you feel nervous, completely block out any negative thoughts about how nervous you are and try your best to think positively, also try to imagine that you are confident and try to act like a confident person as it will calm you down.

well I gotta go but I'll post more if I think of any!


Well-known member
I like it! Mind if I add one?

If so, I'd add this:

4. Don't try to fight the fear you feel - let it happen. The more at ease you are about dealing with the fear, the less the impact. When you let it run its natural course, you get closer and closer to healing.

I figured this out a while ago, but came up with the stupid idea that I could force, and push my way out of it... which lasted for about a week and didn't help much! Anyway, cool list. If everybody builds on it, we could be like one huge, unstoppable team... just a suggestion!


New member
5. Concentrate on the others, not on yourself. The biggest problem we have is how others see us, so the more we concentrate on others, the more we will distract ourselves from the negative thoughts.

As an example, when somebody talks to you, concentrate on what they are saying. They will appreciate that, and you will be less preoccupied with yourself.

When you meet someone (say, a member of the opposite sex, makes it easier :wink: ), examine the person closely... the more you look, the more you distract yourself...


Well-known member
Step 5 is so true. I've got 2 new ones that seem to help me a ton as of lately.

6. Show your honest emotions. I've come to realize that the more bottling-up you do, the worse and more anxious you feel. The more outward you direct your feelings, the better and more calm you'll be. It seriously works 8)

7. Make true peace with yourself. This one is hard to do, and I'm still working on it, but seeing it this way helps:

If you have self assurance, you won't see the need to try to get it from someone else. If you have no need for extra assurance, you'll feel better about rejection. The better you feel about rejection, the more outgoing you'll become. And the more outgoing you become... the less you'll be socially anxious. It's all about perspective... remember that! ;)


Well-known member
8 th Anxiety starts and lives in our heads so the only way it seems is to spend time fighting it or working with it there.

I alwayse notice advise on the Physical part of dealing with anxiety. How many times have you been told to just do it. Will power seems to only work short term and just takes us in circles.

It looks to me that if we just try to (just do it) with out having the right mentality to back up our action we'll end up right back to where we originaly started. Going nowhere fast.

thats just my opinion.