Post your breakthroughs

Sup Phyl

Active member
This is a method I picked up through therapy.
Post on here anything that you do which is considered to be an accomplishment to you, something different that you before struggled with due to your anxiety. Whether it be making a new friend, going to the shops, or just doing something spontaneous. Say what you did, how you felt before, how you felt after, and what this says about you having done it.
For instance at work I was asked to make about forty phone calls (which has never happened in the five years I've worked there and I hate using the phone). It was horrifying and I didn't think I could do it, but once I did it was a relief and I was kind of proud of myself. It shows that I am capable of using the phone in that I won't sound stupid. I feel better now about using the phone in similar situations.


Well-known member
I made a friend in Grade 10, not sure how long it lasted, but it was my fault which it didn't.

I graduated from high school in 2007.

I got my drivers license in September 2009.
I got a car in April 2010
I got an other car due to an accident in April 2011 (same day as my other car I think).
I'm still alive today, even though I never thought I would see to it, that I would still be alive this time 5 or 6 years ago.


Well-known member
i was able to sign up for college 2 weeks ago. its something that ive been too anxoius to return to in 5 years. i won't be starting classes for a couple months, i dont wannna think about going to college ugh anxiety lol


I recently graduated from my school and actually managed to go op on stage to recieve my diploma with about 1500 people staring at me, taking pictures. That was a pretty huge deal for me.