Post Bullying Anger


New member
For years and years I was constantly bullied at school by someone who made my school life a living hell. Now almost 2 years after that I was graduated from highschool I still have a lot of anger inside me and a strong desire of revenge. I'm now in college but learning doesn't go well, I can't forget the injustice and sexual abuse. No one is supporting me, everybody know and saw it but nobody helped me.
Now after the bullying I feel a lot of anger and revenge, do you recognize this feelings?

Its now several month's later and I can honestly tell that my anger hasn't decreased the last month's. I have now a very good and friendly workplace with friendly colleague's. Despite my perfect workplace I still suffer a lot of anger towards the person who made my school-life a living hell. Continuously I experience a desire for revenge and have lot of anger.

Do you also suffer these feelings? What can help my to stop my preoccupation, thinking about the person who bullied my, and reduce my anger.
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Well-known member
Do you also suffer these feelings? What can help my to stop my preoccupation, thinking about the person who bullied my, and reduce my anger.

You won't find peace until you get even. Someone has to pay for your pain. You may not be able to make the exact person that bullied you pay, but you can still get even the next time you encounter a bully bullying you.

Next time you encounter a bully attack, make life a bit exciting for them. It will release your bottled up anger and you will feel better. Explode!!!!!

Be youself, if you are angry, than be angry. Don't hide it, don't pretend that you're civil and forgiving when inside you are really not. Be your true self. Just don't go overboard, still have your moral boundaries intacted.

We all make our decisions in life about how we treat others, ...bullies have made theirs,.... and so they will meet their consequences. We are the consequence....


Well-known member
Yes I am currently experiencing bouts of anger due to the bullying I have been subjected to at work. I've hit back and come out with some venomous verbal attacks and when I think back to what I said it came out of my mouth without thiniking about what I wanted to say first. I'm still angry. God help anyone who pisses me off in future. I refuse to give up on this and will continue to try to get better at not taking any more crap off people.


Well-known member
You're still feeling angry because you feel this person potentially still has power over you. It is only when you become a bigger person, a stronger person, that you will be able to get rid of your preoccupation with them.

Just what constitutes becoming stronger than that person depends on you. Maybe it means that you need to learn work-related skills so that you earn well, so you can then feel that you're doing well in adult life while the bullies are sitting at home drawing on government benefits and nursing more kids than they can handle. Maybe it means being able to beat 7 shades of you-know-what out of one or more of them. Maybe it means learning how to get into new groups of friends and be able to influence people as such, so that nobody ever identifies you as 'the bullied one' again.

Maybe peace will come to you when you help someone else in the same situation as you, or maybe something else entirely. But whatever it is, I think it'll centre around your ability to feel like a stronger person than those bullies ever were, or probably will be.


Its now several month's later and I can honestly tell that my anger hasn't decreased the last month's. I have now a very good and friendly workplace with friendly colleague's. Despite my perfect workplace I still suffer a lot of anger towards the person who made my school-life a living hell. Continuously I experience a desire for revenge and have lot of anger.

Do you also suffer these feelings? What can help my to stop my preoccupation, thinking about the person who bullied my, and reduce my anger.

You have it let it go, man. By dwelling on the past, you are only letting him get the best of you. My advice would be to seek counselling to deal with the anger, maybe even take a martial art or boxing lessons to get the hostility outside of your body. Trust me, you don't want to get caught in the revenge game. Learn to forgive. It's better in the long run...
You have it let it go, man. By dwelling on the past, you are only letting him get the best of you. My advice would be to seek counselling to deal with the anger, maybe even take a martial art or boxing lessons to get the hostility outside of your body. Trust me, you don't want to get caught in the revenge game. Learn to forgive. It's better in the long run...

Yeah... You're only letting that part of life interfere with your current one... Letting the bully 'win'. As impossible as it may seem, you've got to let it go... Or if it is too ingrained, lessen your focus on it by being busy with other things... Other thoughts...


Bullies can't understand words, they might understand fist/knuckles/knee/kick/etc. I'm not encourageing :D