Possible Death??? :(


Well-known member
:eek: :( Im sooo scared one person in my school is threatining to beat me up and even KIll me bewcause i hang out with friends the are girls... now half of the grade 8's at my school hate me and also thinke i should possibly die and im not sure what to do... he carrys a pocket knife around with him and whenever he see's me he ignores and gives me the evil eye im really scared and am not sure wat to do!!! :cry:


Well-known member
That sounds terrible, ignorance :(. The responsible thing for me to say would be to tell a teacher or staff member. But if that's not possible, at least make sure you tell some friends or classmates that he's carrying a pocket knife and being a bully and try to get one of them to talk to him about it. Awareness is key to preventing bullying incidents.
I know, because in primary school I used to tease a kid who hung out with girls and picked on a kid who read books because I didn't understand why they were doing it. I would say talk to the guy, but for this issue maybe talking to the guy with a friend (girl preferrably) is safer.


Well-known member
When the threats are that bad mate, you need to tell someone.
Even if your embarressed or worried about telling someone, violence of that nature needs to be addressed, and known by other teachers/parents etc. Take care mate, i feel for you :wink:


Well-known member
That's so sad.Listen to what other peorple have said.Please tell a authority figure.A parents,teacher or school counselor.When threat become this bad you have to take action for your own safety.Good luck I hope you stay safe.


Well-known member
there picking on you cos they want the girls and your getting them, thats what it is! just say your just jealous cos ive the all the girls and your not getting any :wink: probobly make things worse but best idea would be to stand up to them. I know it don't seem a good idea but really teachers/police there all useless. Most bullys are actually scared if somone attacks them back and likely won't mess with you again cos of the fear of you beating them up and makin them look like an idiot...


Active member

The first thing I would do is tell your parents. Things like this are no joke man. Go with your parents to the police. The others here have good advice for you.

I wish someone would grab that guy with the knife by the hair of his head and beat him without mercy. This is the only way these little future inmate punks are gonna learn. The system is really messed up here in america and the little bastard would get a slap on the wrist. I hope things turn around for you, I'll be hoping for terrible things to happen to your aggressors. Good luck.


Well-known member
Re: damn

feeltherage said:
The system is really messed up here in america and the little bastard would get a slap on the wrist.
It's the same thing here. Not only for bullies, but for criminals as well. If you're the victim of a bully or a criminal, then first you get screwed by the perpetrator then you get screwed by the system. It's like no one is ever responsible for their own actions anymore. /rant


Well-known member
B said:
Their parents don't love them, their family is poor, they are at so many disadvantages (low IQ, for example). To punish them is to be unfair to them and their plight.
Anyway, tell your parents and go to the police.

Yes, everyone should be made to take responsibility- the people whom mentally bully others for being different, the parents of bullies- both bullies who are relational (those without a socially responsible conciousness) and physically agressive, and especially the people whom do the bullying.

Oh yeah, tell your parents, adult official, or police.