Poll: Have you seen a Doctor about your shyness?

Have you seen a Doctor about your shyness?

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Have you seen a Doctor about your shyness?

I have always wanted to but my parents are dismissive of the idea. They think I am normal! Even though I do not speak when we visit relatives and I am sure that they notice that, they still think I have absolutely no problem. I told my mum and she told me that I cant be shy because she has "seen" me talk to people sometimes. I find this very frustrating and I seriously do not know what to do.


Well-known member
Yes I have. and it was the best thing I every did.

Though from reading threads it seems to all depend on whether the doctor/therapist is right for you.
Seeing my GP for blood work the other week, she mused that I was so social and talkative that perhaps I was bi-polar. I had a assure her, and she agreed, that wasn't the case as there was never any indication of bi-polar in the past and my increase social ease developed hand-in-hand with CBT.

So yes, bringing my 'shyness' to the medical profession was the best move I made.


Well-known member
Yes, but it took me long enough. I kept putting it off for months and months even though in my head I knew that I really had to do something to tackle SP.


Well-known member
Hussein said:
hi plainsofserenity, would you say you are completely cured though?
Cured? Hmmm.... Cured.
Short answer? yes.

But whether or not it a condition that is cured is a interesting question.... but I really do sometimes amazing myself to point of giddiness over the lack of anxiety in situations I would have paniced over and hidden from in the past.


Well-known member
doctor-shmoctor...you are your own doctor.

In some cases, a doctor may be able to prescribe some kind of anti-anxiety drug and or cognitive therapy.....but its in your mind,,, and you have to cure yourself, by retraining your mind..your thoughts. Doctors aint magicians, just another asshole with a medical degree. After all your struggles, it is still UP TO YOU TO SAVE YOUR SELF from inner termoil. :wink:


Well-known member
Yes, I did just last week. My parents sound just like yours. "I don't think you have a problem, you're not shy at all compared to some people. You need to live life and have experiences." So last week when they took me in for a physical for college, I told my mom I would go in and do it alone. When the doctor asked me if I had anything else I wanted to ask about....I told her about my SA. She was very helpful. She recommended therapists and talked about all kinds of medications that might help with me. I have an appointment with a therapist, finally, the day after tomorrow.

Maybe you can figure out a way to do something like this too. I'm very happy I've finally done something, even if bringing it up with the doctor was hard. I think what helped the most was that my talking to the doctor about it kind of helped my parents realize I have a real problem and that it's something I am actually struggling with every day.


Hi PunkyMonkey,

thanks for you message. I am sure that your parents care about you just as mine do about me, but sometimes they do not know whats going on in our heads because we learn to hide our fear and insecurity.
Stick with it see your gp if that doesn't work change gp and try again.

My parents and Gp thought there was nothing wrong with me when I was 13-14 it took untill I was 22 untill I adventually found a sympathetic gp.
But times have changed now, things like Sp Sa and shyness are recognised as a medical problem and not something you'll grow out of.