please with having no friends.


Well-known member
yeah i always get invited to parties or social gathers with friends(accquiantances) and brothers but i just politely turn them down most of the time -althought ill go to barbecues or just go kick back and watch a basketball game with them.

i dont feel the way you do though . most of the jobs ive had , theyve been because of friends and family . networking is great and opens yourself up to opportunitys that you would have never had if it werent for your friends.
although im not good at it. i wish i had friends and people i could depend on. i mean i do have a few that are cool but i really know whats its like to have a best friend or anything like that .


Active member
No offence lotr but it sounds like your taking the easy way out , Having/wanting to stay in because u have/want no friends will just make you worse and is defonatly not making any improvements.

Benefits are just as bad too, so many people start getting benefits and they get into a routine where they think "im getting paid and i dont have to go out or be uncomfortable around people this is great". 5 years down the line they have made no improvements and are in exactly the same situation.

stop everything thats helping you take the easy way out and u'll be forced to get better. The same logic works with everything.

Stop fatty food , ull lose weight
Turn the tv off , you'll get on with your homework
Stop wasting money , you'll save up for what u want.
Stop accepting excuses , go out and have fun(eventually).


Well-known member
Lotrsfan said:
Now i know that some of you will think i'm crazy but although i'm envious of other people and my sister when they have friends and go out with them... deep down i'm actually quite please that i don't have any friends coz it means that when they and if they plan something and i'm invited i don't have to feel so anxious and dread going along because of my SP. And it means i don't have to keep making up excuses not to go, and them forcing me.
Does anyone else who don't have any friends think this?

I dont have friends... it bothers me sometimes... but I'm training myself not to crave it anymore. Eventually, I'll learn how to COMPLETELY stand alone. And whoever sayd "no man is an island"... whoever coined that phrase is a fucking idiot and I am gonna punch his lights out (if thats possible... lol) :lol: