Please read if you have sweaty palms


Hey Guys,

It's been a while since I've been on this forum, four years ago if i'm not mistaken. Like a number people on here I suffer(ed) from palmar HH. I had to live with most of my adolescent life. Growing up in Nigeria, there were no remedies for sweaty palms. I'd just "wipe my hands" and move on with my daily life. I later moved to the UK, heard about iontophoresis, had a trial run at my uni hospital and later bought an Idrostar machine back in 2009.

Since then, I'd probably say it has helped reduce the sweating a great deal. After treatments I'd say I stopped sweating "profusely" on my palms. But it never really went away. Since 2010, I've lived in a couple of hot climate countries and i'd say the sweating came under control but never totally. I actually stopped using the machine for maybe the last couple of years.

I started a new job last september and it felt as though the sweating had returned. My hands would be clammy and very cold. So i thought I'd dig out my Idrostar machine, I did the treatments and since then it's been ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. I recently realised that the difference between it being effective or not is really the hard water issue. I now live in West Sussex, a "very hard water" area. My hands got so dry after the first five sessions that I couldn't do the last two. Now I have to have a hand cream on me always.
(I'm hoping this feeling actually lasts through the summer too, *fingers crossed*). It's so weird now, on a few occasions i've shook hands, i can actually feel clamminess on the other person.

I really think anyone who can afford this machine should buy one, I don't think there's much out there for palmar HH besides ionto and surgery. I doubt anyone really wants to go down the later route.

P.S I don't work for the Idrostar company. I just thought I'd share my experience cos I know how it feels to be plagued by this condition.


Well-known member
I 'll preach the same message that I always do. Don't let the cost of ionto be a deterrent. The machines such as the Idrostar are so way over priced. Ionto need not be costly.

I'm glad that ionto has helped you. Thank you for sharing your success story.