Please, please help.


Well-known member
I'm a 17 year old girl, And for about 2-3 months I've completely changed. I quit going to school, I refuse to get a job, because I don't like meeting new people. I've become very mean and moody. I cry all the time now, I'm crying right now for no apperent reason. I just break down 6-7 times a day, over the slightest thing. I've become so overwelmed sometimes, that I've cut myself and break stuff. When I use to go to school, in the middle of classes I all of a sudden felt very, very sick. I start to sweat and have difficulty breathing. As of lately I've stopped eatting and exercise compulsivly. I feel so out of place and alone and like I'm losing control. Today I looked up my symptoms and a lot of them describe SP. I never ever thought something was wrong with me, until I really read into it. I'm so new to this, and I don't know what to do. My dad doesn't belive in social disorders, and thinks that if someone has a problem, either their parents raised them wrong, or they're looking for attention. And I know I'll never tell anyone because I don't want to feel week and like I need help... I really, really don't know what to do, and I'm really hoping someone will reply to this instead of reading it and thinking I'm a pity case or a lose cause. I would REALLY REALLY love to hear any advice! and also a little more about SP and what can happen if you just not get help or do anything about it. THANKS SO MUCH IN ADVANCE!


Well-known member
I’m also a 17 year old girl and will refuse to tell anyone about my SP. I am also very new to this and I could have almost written your post exactly. I have never been diagnosed but I’m really sure that I have it. I try to appear normal as much as possible. My SP really does interfere with my life. I have just finished my A levels and now have to find a job, but don’t want to. I feel I have to or people will notice something is wrong. I too myself, have considerably lost weight to fit in. Is this because you feel like you won’t stand out as much or are you embarrassed even more by boys?? The thing is you must not let your SP get out of control. I can’t believe I am saying this because I would find it difficult to take my own advice but still. We must not let the SP get out of control that we develop another condition. Do you know what i mean?? I’ve had social phobia for 2 years now but have been incredibly shy all my life. My family also have a very similar opinion of mental disorders, which is why I have replied to you because you are similar to me. Sorry that I can’t really give you any advice as i need some myself. I want you to know you are not alone. I think the best thing is, if you feel you cannot talk to anyone you should carry on posting for a while and then see how you feel. This is what I am trying to do. I think if you leave SP it just gets worse and worse, well this is what has happened to me anyway. i am trying to somehow overcome it myself. when your are in a anxious situation try to talk yourself through it in your head.

i hope i may have said something that could be of use to you
Best wishes and good luck!!


Well-known member
Thank you so much, I thought for sure If I posted something, people would just make fun of me, or think of me a pity case for attention. Your post was very supportive and I appreciate it soo much!


Well-known member
I hope writing to you helps. I am 35 years old. I went through a lot of what you are at your age.
I had a father and mother who thought you were weak if you had any emotional problems. I became bulimic. (Spelling?) And became very sick. I was sick for 3 years. But I did a lot of praying. The Lord healed me of anorexia and bulimia.
I want to give you some advice. One thing I see now at age 35. My SP was 50% WORSE when I did not eat. I was MORE depressed. My anxiety was so much worse. And I told EVERYONE I could until my parents finally listened to me. To this day, years later, they understand. But it was a horrible road to climb.
Please tell your doctor and get on this fast. Your excesive exercise and starving will do no good. It causes problems later in life as well. And it gets worse. Not better if you don't get help. And get help soon for SP. You don't need to do this alone. You can't. It will swallow you.
Think positive and stand up to this....don't bow down. There is help!


Well-known member
I agree with Guest and Laura and I also think that you would be much better off if you have your parents on your side and that would come with a better understanding of what you are dealing with. It may help if you show them this site and some selected posts perhaps. I would find it hard to believe that someone spending an hour or so on this site would come away with the attitude that your dad has. There are a number of books on the subject as well. Anyway, if this is not much help, I'm sure that this site and others like it will help along the way. I had nothing like this when I first had problems as a teen and afterwards. Good luck N/A.


I`m not sure if it`s SP you`re talking about.Are you shy?Do you have difficulties comunicating with people?
Well,that`s my opinion.Anyway,I also think you should tell somebody about your problems and i`m sure you`ll be better in no time! :)