
New member
I have many of the symptoms of OCD but not ALL of them. Could I possibly have OCD?

I do have disturbing thoughts that I really don't want to have and I make noises and shift around to distract myself from them. Sometimes I do weird things with my hands when I'm frustrated.

I don't however wash my hands over and over. And I don't spend a lot of time counting things though sometimes I have done it, like counting building levels.

I sometimes feel like I have to get up and do something I really don't want to, like touch the table or cross my legs over 4 times. And I'm never satisfied that I've done it "evenly".

I am constantly paranoid that when I meet new people I'll do something like yell something bad out or embarrass myself for no reason out of nervousness.

Sometimes at traffic lights I try to walk to a certain spot faster than a car I have chosen to "compete" with.

I do many things such as these but my parents have told me in the past that everyone does strange things like these and that I'm normal.
Somehow I don't think everyone does these things...


Well-known member
Can anyone state just how thin the line between "sane" and "mentally ill" is? It's true that many people do strange things. The guestion is, does it cause you worries? Does it affect your life unpleasantly? Do you want to stop it? If the answer is yes, see a doctor about it. Don't expect miracles, but if you really want to work on yourself, you certainly can do it.

Oh, and I think we all would love to hear from you again, so please keep us posted about how you're progressing.


Well-known member
No offense to you, Tryin, but you need to realize that people with OCD (maybe you have it and you already realize this) often need to be told that they are either 100% sane or 100% Obsessive-Compulsive. I know I was this way before I found out that I had OCD.

Anyway, sevenohfour, I would definitely say that you have a very mild case of OCD. You need to realize first of all that you are not alone, and all the things that you think are unique to you and make you a disgusting person are extremely common. People don't talk about them for the same reasons that they make you feel disgusting. If these compulsions (crossing your legs, touching the table, racing the car) really bother you, then tell your parents you want to see a therapist. Most health insurance plans cover at least a few therapist meetings. I never knew I had OCD, though I often told people I did to cover up my compulsions. Little did I know that I actually did have it. I suffered severely for five or six years and then finally decided to do somehting about what I was feeling. I did some research and everything I was feeling fell right under OCD.

The main problem with OCD is that it has a need to obsess. Your obsessions will never quite go away, even with therapy, but if you can neutralize the obsessions and compulsions that run your life, then you can live much more happily.

There are also many medications that will completely get rid of the obsessions and compulsions of OCD if you want to take that route.