please help- new symptoms is O.C.D concerened?


New member
I am 26 years old
I am religious person, shy by nature.
I am also weak from physical point of view.
I am feel anxiety only when suppose I will participant in any function progam or give performance. In interviews feel nervousness.

Anxiety, stummering exist with me from childhood.
OCD symptoms exist with me since 10 years. It occur in year 1999.
I felt such type of symptoms when I encounter the O.C.D -

1- check the door. They are properly shut or not.
2- clean my bedsheet. Use separte towel, separte soap during bath.
3- repect to study books because they make us educated. touch the book by hand then touch the same hand to his head so that God give blessings through books.
4- prayer related thoughts occur again and again.
5- doing prayer in mind like god keep safe to my family members and resolve all problems.

It symptoms occurs when I was 16 yrs. Old.

psychaitrist diagnosed these symptoms of O.C.D in year 2001 through psychiatrist. I took many medicines- clomipramine, paroxitine, fluvoxamine, fluvoxetine etc. as prescribed by psychiatry.

I took the medicine for 4 years recommended by psychiatry. Some symptoms 1, 2, 3 are treated in some effect of clomipramine 75 mg to 100 mg. other medicines paroxetine, fluvoxamine, fluvoxetine etc bring no effect. After 4 year (in year 2005), I dropped the treatment because in prayer related thoughts are not improved.

After near one year insomnia, memory loss, hairfall issue raised.
I took slepping pills which wrote by doctors. I took sleeping pills for 2 years.

After dropping the OCD’s medicines, usually when I was taking medicine some symptoms raised mention as below:

New symtom 1. suppose In my house having three rooms. in one room where we keep a small god temple and there we do pray. when I am in another room, sometime my concentration are going towards this room where we do prayer, and imagine I am seeing the god temple and do the pray in mind. That god give us power and resolve our all problem.

New symptom 2. when I reside in home I thought that God reside in sky or heaven I look on roof of my home and imagine that here a open sky and I am doing pray to God in mind.

New symptom 3. In my family member is in another room I see the wall of that room and assume that I can see my family member across the wall, although Its only imagination.

And suppose my family member tell me these are problem or that event happened, then normally my mind doing praying.

its thoughts repeating in my mind.

Although I am P.G in computer science. And seeking the job in IT field. But not getting the job due to stummering.
I stopped the sleeping pills since 6 months.
Now I a taking homeopathic treatment since 4 months but situation are not improve.

I think I am not concentrate to my career, how I do effort to achieve the goal. I think my thinking power are block.
Some time sleep are not come in all night. When sleep are not come in night talk his self in mind when I process some thoughts.
In day feel very lazy and in night feel some active.
Feel some time stress due to O.C.D. but i am not in depression.

I sleep 4 hours at night. And in day sleep for 2 hours. I feel some memory loss I am not able to recall the knowledge in interview which I read before 3 days.

Please suggest prayer related thoughts and new symptoms is O.C.D.
And give me advice..please.