Please Help Me


I posted this on another thread but only got one response ::(: So Ill give it another bash.

The last 6 years of my life have been a nightmare. Can you tell me if i have OCD?

6 years ago my friend died and my life has just gone to **** ever since.

I had a fight with my friend when I was 16 a week before he died. My friend died of unknown circumstances and 6 years on, I have thought to myself that he might have committed suicide. This is where I have my OCD thoughts. I repeat in my head every single day of my life certain sentences. " I would have known if he killed himself" "He wouldnt have done it" "Its so hard to kill yourself". Deep down I know for sure that he died of natural causes but I just get these repetitive thoughts in my head. If these thoughts are not about my friend it could be other stupid thoughts but I just repeat them a certain amount of times in my head to make myself feel better, BUT IT JUST MAKES ME WORSE!!!.

i also had an incedent 2 years ago when on hollidays with my friends. I never went out to the pool because I fwas ashamed of my body and thought I was much skinnier than them. Ever since that holliday I have never been the same again and havnt socialised with my friends for 2 full years. When a friend rings me I dont answer the phone because I have serious social anxiety problems now.If I am in a room with people I cant leave the room to go to the toilet because I think they will start talking about me. When I say something in a conversation It comes out all wrong and I stutter.I find it very hard to get comfortable in a room. When I am out drinking I am very awkward around people and tend to try get really drunk and my worries go away but I get so drunk that I just make a fool of myself and the next day my worrying starts again and my repetitive thoughts. Im currently on Lexapro at the moment and it has helped focus a bit but my social anxiety and repeating thoughts are still there. Is this the right medication to be on?

Please can someone help me. I am starting to give up now because I have no social life what so ever anymore and every day is a struggle.

I am on top medication at the moment with lexapro and I feel it has helped me focus more but My repeating thoughts are still there. Can anyone reccomend medication that could SAVE me! Ive been to psycologists and am currently seeing a councellor but I am making very little progress. I have these repeating thoughts in my head everyday and When it comes to talking to people I am just so shaterred from my thoughts that I dont communicate properly and My thoughts distract me from conversations.

Someone please help me!