Please HELP me! OCD!!!



Someone help me please!I don't know if this is OCD but I'm really scared and don't know what to do.when i was little i used to do a lot of things for 4 times,like turning on and off the lights for 4 times,if i was touching my left hand with my right hands ,had to do it 4 times and stuff like this. Now im 22 and for about 1 year i have all these intrusive toughts like when im out in the street i feel like screaming,or I ask myself what if i am going to jump off in front of a car and really creepy toughts but in the same time i am pretty rational and I know i wont do it.for example i can't go to sleep with the windows open because i think i might jump off the window while i am sleeping , i check the door to see if it's locked,and sometime i feel that if i won't wash my teeth or check the door something bad will happen.but again,as i said i kind of know nothing will happen but still cant help and do a lot of things, obsessively and some of them really hilarious.sometime i say something out loud and then say the same word/sentence in my head more times because i think something bad will happen if i don't say it).i cant go to sleep if i see a knife on my desk because i think i might harm myself while sleeping and i need to take it to the kitchen.sometimes i am afraid i will do something embarassing like screaming out loud at the cinema or in a public place.sometime when im at the grocery store for example i keep asking myself in my mind if i stole something and is in my bag and they will discover me(yet i know i didn't and never would do that).sometimes i feel like i cant breath properly and think i am sick.i always need to make lists of what i want to buy.i am afraid of traveling because i think maybe it's the last time i do it and i will get into a car crash.i fear my boyfriend will leave me because he will find out something bad about me even if i never lie to him or cheat.i am pretty normal around people but i get very obsessed with things when i am alone or think about death.I dont have suicidal tendencies and i love life but i am always scared and sometimes feel empty.i am scared i will go to prison for no reason (being innocent).i read certain words or lines in a book to make them sound right or to make sense.i tend to think i might be able to hurt my friends and i am really scared that i might want to steal some friend's boyfriend (even if i wont do this and know i dont plan or want to do this).i am sometime afraid of taking a cab even in the middle of the day because i think the driver may kidnap me or something like this.etc...HELP!