Please give me your opinions...


Well-known member
There has been a club that I have recently felt joining since i thought that i should be taking the initiative for my life and not be afraid of others criticism. However, since next year is my junior year, i feel sorta late so what do you guys think i should do? join or no? i was inspired by the movie "Rocket Science".


Well-known member
Do it
I'm thinking about joining creative writing myself.
I don't write much but I have an active imagination


Well-known member
I didn't have any high school extra cirriculars- and I regret it. If i could do it all over again, i would have done a lot more! You will regret it if you never tried. So if the one you really want doesn't pan out, try a different one. It's a way to meet new people, and give yourself a sense of accomplishment, it's a lot more depressing if you spend all your time alone. Not that anybody on here would know :)