

New member
hey gang. i'm new to the forums here (obviously). i thought i'd make a rant post about some stuff... feel free to comment, send hatemail, whatever you please.

i guess there's not a whole lot to say here. i feel really down in the dumps today. even though i get a lot of positive feedback from everyone around me, i feel like i latch onto the negative more than the positive. this goes for everything, from what i feel to comments or how people talk to me. sometimes i feel like it's my own fault for feeling this way. even though i don't appear so, i feel so emotionally weak. or just generally weak in everyday life.

and the worst part of all, nobody even knows! everybody assumes i don't like them. probably because i'm scared to death of opening up and sharing my true feelings. and sometimes... this hurts to admit, but i honestly feel like crying when somebody even mildly hurts my feelings! i even feel a deep feeling of sadness just typing all of this out...

i dont know whats wrong with me. all of my anger has turned to sadness. im not normally depressed, like some sort of gothic person or something, i'm just the type of sad that nobody suspects... and nobody really gives a second thought. i appear to be pretty middle of the road, but somehow i feel like i'm dying inside.

i'm not looking for sympathy here, just thought i'd type it all out in hopes that something good will come of it. i don't have anywhere else to turn...

so thanks for reading this. always know that your life is much better than mine if you ever feel like you've had a crappy day...


Well-known member
I know how you feel. I'm sad most of the time. Sometimes I wonder what my purpose is and why I feel so empty.


Well-known member
It's not hard to relate to this.. I know you don't want sympathy, but all I can do is lend a hand and voice my understanding.


I often feel the same way. I have a great relationship, good job, therapist, and I am highly functional despite my SA. But I also focus on the negative and sad is my most common mood.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is supposed to be the best way to change the outlook. But it requires a lot of work and I'm a lazy bastard. Something else my therapist has suggested is Mindfulness Meditation for the soul and the body. And if you're not already in therapy, I strongly suggest it.
