Physical Symptoms Of Panic Attacks


Cardovascular effects increases heart rate and strenght of heart beats, Increases flow of oxygen, removes waste.

Changes blood flow takes the blood away froom the surface areas of our skin and sends it into areas that will help us run or fight (ie thighs/legs) It's good to have less blood at the surface of our ski ot flows more inwards which is why we may get pale and feel cold or get sudden chills. As well there is less bleeding, if we get cut.

Increased speed and depth of breathing this means there is more oxygen in the body which then produces the out of breath feeling. The body wants more which then leads the body to start pant-breathing feelings. The bloodstream gets super oxygenated and this then leads to light headedness and blurred vision. It feels smothering and like we are choking, but in fact it's not true. This is why carrying a paper bag can be a good idea so if you get over-oxygenated, we can balance out the carbon dioxide levels in our blood so we don't feel like we are going to faint.

Sweat the sweat glands are activated. We become physically slippery, hard for someone to grab a hold of. As well, the sweat cools off the body more efficiently so we won't over heat- adaptive funtions

The pupil of the eye delates this lets in more light to allow for best possible wision under low light illumination

Secreased salivation the body places less emphasis on digestion in faor of more vital systems. As digestion shuts down, one may experience nausea or comstipation.

Tension/ trembling muscles are activated as they creat heat and cause us to feel flushed.

All of these above symptoms are physical and as they occur, we feel exhausted.