personality development begins today!!!

Right now I'm honestly SICK of being known as the quiet kid or the boring kid...I wanna be the guy I am deep down, the funny, energetic guy that I am when I'm at home..or when I'm at karate because for whatever reason I'm not shy there...

So I'm not really developing my personality, just developing the ability to let it shine at a given situation. I figure SA is NOT a personality trait, it's like a sheild that I've been hiding behind because I'm afraid people won't like it when they see the real me...But today that's all gonna change, I'm gonna stop being afraid, get out there and commence operation personality development, which, from here on in will be refered to as "OPD".

I thought that if I post my progress and goals and stuff on this forum, it would give me a little more initiative to actually try to go through with my goals because it would be like people are watching kinda, and if I can do it, then I may even inspire other people to try it too!


So my goal for today...when I see my room mate I'm going to say "hey, how's it goin??" sounds easy I know...but for me it's hard lol

wish me luck!!


Active member
the very best of luck!!

my "shield" is AvPD and for the past couple of weeks i have been working on it.

i personally find the best way is just to take small steps and celebrate every lil achivment you make, no matter how small. what is small to someone else will feel huge to you.

also (however hard this is) try not to dwell on the small stuff, or feel bad if you have a "lapse". its normal in any kind of recovery.

and as you start to celebrate your successes the lapses will seem less and less important.

also remeber to tell yourself how great you are everyday!!

like you, i feel the real me is hiding behind this AvPD, so i am not really "chnging" - i am being who i would be if i didn;t have AvPD. Although i can understand how people who see me on a daily basis might THINK i have "changed", i know i havn't. i'm just being the real me!!

and you know what, not everyone in the world will like me. not everyone in the world will like you. but thts OK. because some folks you just wouldn't WANT in your life anyway. Nice bit of editing lol


Well-known member
That's a really good idea to plan out what you're going to say...that way, you don't feel caught off guard in a certain situation. You're prepared! I might try that, too.

I know what you mean about being afraid people won't like you once the shield comes down. I'm the same way. I always judge myself before anyone else even has a chance to judge me. I just assume that they will think certain things, when in all reality...they might actually like me!
It all has to do with how I feel about myself. I don't like who I am, so I expect other people to feel the same way. I think that the first thing I need to do is learn to love and accept myself. Maybe everything will fall into place after that.

Anyway, sorry about that...I got a bit caught up talking about myself. Hahah. Good luck with your OPD!!


Well-known member
you could write in a diary (on spw or just at home) to have a real clear view on your "project". Yeah I know diaries are for girls... but I made one too when I kinda did the same thing like you and it helped me to get through the bad moments...
Good luck!!!
thanks guys! Yeah today's goal was way too easy so tomorrow I'm definetly gonna have to step it up a bit...I think I'm going to not only make eye contact, but smile at a girl as I walk past her. I'm in college so it won't be hard to find a girl...:D