Personal Space

So today i am standing in the Q at the mini mart waiting to buy my stuff and this guy comes in and goes to Q-up behind me rite, so i mean he ****in stands like almost on the backs of me heels he is that close! so now i'm thinkin "what the fuk is his trip?" and i turn around to see what he thinks he is doing standing so close to me. so as i turn around i expect he would take a step back or two but no! so now im more or less within eye contact range now i cant handle strange people in being in my person space i take it as an immediate threat. I take a step back and say to him "what are you doing standing so close to me?" by now just in those few seconds of turning around i begain to feel the anger rising and my fist clench i was thinkin "how DARE he invade my space and try to intimadate me!" rite so anyways he says "ohh sorry is there a law how close we have to stand next to people now?" the cheeky bastard! i says no but i dont want ya standing so close to me now move back right, he mumbled something and moved back a few paces.

Result for Redzer!

Point of this story is i spoke up were as before i would of been thinking "ohh god wats gonna happen or whats he gonna do" and this was in a mini mart with people lookin at me an all but i did'nt care i tell ya it must be the new Redzer coming out! :D:D

Well-known member
Good on you! I can't believe he was standing so close and still said that!

Pisses me off when people get too close.

Nice work for speaking up!


Well-known member
Should have just told him you don't enjoy being the prison bitch but would be happy to swap places.

I'm not a homophobe, please don't report me. Just a little obsessed with prison break.


Well-known member
Some people are just odd about things like personal space. Like standing too closely to you, choosing to sit in aseat right next to you when there are several other free.

The worse is when you're using a stall in a public washroom and a person wait directly outside the stall for you to finish your business. I mean, talk about invasion of privacy. Why not wait outside the damn washroom or come back later. It's just annoying.
There are 4 areas around a person to do with space:

Public, Social, Personal, Intimate.

Public Space:
Extends more than 12 feet (3.7 m) and is not guarded. Secret Service agents will commonly attempt to ensure 12 feet (3.7 m) of open space around dignitaries and high ranking officials.

Extends from about 4 to 12 feet (1.2–3.7 m) and is used for formal, business and other impersonal interactions such as meeting a client.

Extends 1.5 to 4 feet (0.46–1.2 m) is reserved for friends and acquaintances. A handshake will typically place strangers at least 2 to 4 feet (0.61–1.2 m) apart, preserving the personal distance.

Extends roughly 18 inches (46 cm) from the individual and is reserved for family, pets and very close friends. Displays of affection and comforting are commonly conducted within this space. The only strangers an individual typically accepts within his or her intimate space are health care professionals.

Having found that out this guy was defo in my intimate space...ewww how gay does that sound lol. Still was'nt happy about it at all and also yeah about people sitting next to ya on the bus when there is free seats never happen to me b4 but i did see someone do it they looked uncomfortable to say the least