people are empty


Well-known member
if i happen to put the television on (i don't watch tv by the way, brainwashing rubbish) among the ads about emergency spot cream and cat insurance, i also see ads for video games about killing things. when i do adventure out side, i see the same thing on the sides of buses.

i know it's mostly training for children this type of thing, turning them into bedroom killers and the 18 on the box is to please the uk government. parents are thick enough to buy this rubbish for their kids, altho i think most parents are children themselves anyways, but that's another story. i've heard of people "playing" those games soon as they get back from school or work, wasting no time. isn't there enough pain in the world...

how bored and empty are people inside? or is it a good thing that those people are left to wallow in such things?

and before you say it, i'm not about telling people what to do, i'm happy not all people are creative.


Well-known member
i suppose so, nothing in, nothing out...

not to say i didn't play such things back in the day, duke nukem 3d, shadow warrior, etc.. however, look at the how real those games look now, it's almost like real life combat, but without the post-traumatic stress disorder and or risk of death.

i couldn't see myself playing today's video games, then again i'd rather have some rotten child killing a fake person than someone real in the street because they were bored.

yeah, you sit on your bum and drink your fattening fizzy drinks and stuff your greedy little face with those 48 bags of crisps your brain dead mum got you and play your games.. i can see that will do you a world of good!

sorry, maybe i'm just getting old::eek::


Well-known member
I'm empty then!? I don't play shooting games all that much though, because I'm crap at them and it depresses me when I die lots on them :D I think, "I'm a loser in real life AND in the game? damnI'm a nerd I'm supposed to be good at games!" lol so I never play online now.

As for tv, I don't watch it all that often. But if I watch these brainwashing adverts, but don't buy the products advertised, do I still count as being brainwashed?


Well-known member
I'm empty then!? I don't play shooting games all that much though, because I'm crap at them and it depresses me when I die lots on them :D I think, "I'm a loser in real life AND in the game? damnI'm a nerd I'm supposed to be good at games!" lol so I never play online now.
mate, i'm just as rubbish at games now! haha.;) i haven't the readies or time for it anyways. i'm still on my mega drive and sonic 2, feels like christmas 92 all the time, one of the only good memories.

there's other things people can do with their time of course, but killing and death for fun seems silly when you think whats going on in world at any given time, imho.

As for tv, I don't watch it all that often. But if I watch these brainwashing adverts, but don't buy the products advertised, do I still count as being brainwashed?
of course not, products are one thing, but from the tv that subliminal message and aspirational rubbish will get into your brain... yes i'm paranoid!::eek::