
Ok So I finally got up the nerve to seek professional help. I know I had depression and social anxiety. After my 2nd session the doctor stated that I might have Agoraphobia. He then prescribed paxil and hydroxizine(?? I cant spell that xD). I was told that they were two forms of anti-depressants. I just got the paxil and I cant get the other medicine until tomorrow. So I figured I'd just start taking them then.

Does anyone have any experience with these pills? I know that the paxil might make me sleepy until I get used to it, but has anyone suffered any other side effects?
yea and after i woke up from the sleep the paxil caused just as my doctor stated it would. I see one of those lawyer commercials that tell you to sue if anyone you know has taken zoloft or paxil while pregnant... I guess its a good thing I'm not o.o. Ill keep a look out if I start actin strange, but I told my mom and sister they better sue like crazy for me! xD