Paxil vs. Lexapro?


Ok, so I am now on my 2nd week on Lexapro and I know I should 'give it some time' but I was thinking about switching to Paxil as it has been clinicaly tested for social anxiety and was wonering if some of you had any opinions or experience or knowledge. Thanks



Well-known member
hmm i've not taken lexapro, (is that the commercial with the red chairs?) but i do and have been taking paxil for a while - 40mg everyday. i've tried zoloft and buspar and abilify and so far paxil has been the best for me.

works for anxiety and depression

good luck :)


One more question, I know I really should just ask my doctor about this and he probably knows best :roll: but can I just switch from right away or should I taper off the lex befor starting the paxil? Also what did you think about the lexapro compared to paxil? Was it just not doing it for anxiety?


Well-known member
no, i haven't tried lexapro, but have you not seen any results so far? you'd be able to notice if it were working for you. also you might need a higher dose depending on your anxiety level.

plus, they say it can take up to 6-8 weeks for the full affects, i'd give it another week.

but yeah, deffinately talk to your doc! but tapering off one and gradually starting the other is how most docs do it. beware of the withdrawl affects!

but with me, it took about 2 weeks to start to see results from the paxil

sorry i can't answer all your questions


thanks for your input, I think I'm just gonna pay another 150 to see ma shrink, better safe than sorry.