Paxil 20mg has worked for me


It's been awhile since I have posted...

Just to give hope to others...I started taking paxil 20mg, and I feel like a different person. It doesn't solve and cure everything, but I see a tremoundous difference in how I was, how I am, and how I have hopes again.


Well-known member
I was on it and yea it did make a big difference. It makes you sort of just not care what people think. I'm off it now for personal reasons. Just a word of warning don't come off of it during a stressful week if you possible can. It makes for a pretty crazy time. Good luck to you both i hope you have a good experience with it like i did. :)


Well-known member
Linds said:
I was on it and yea it did make a big difference. It makes you sort of just not care what people think. I'm off it now for personal reasons. Just a word of warning don't come off of it during a stressful week if you possible can. It makes for a pretty crazy time. Good luck to you both i hope you have a good experience with it like i did. :)

Thanks for the advice! I was searching for information on Paxil and all I got was anti-psychiatry opinions.


Well-known member
Yeah it makes a real big difference really, but i think im addicted to it, ive been using it for 2 years and i tried to quit it twice, both times my depression came back, maybe even worse than before. But still id rather use it all my life than live with depression and anxiety.


I have been very skeptical about using medication, as I used to think it was all a cash cow. However, I can see the validity in some cases.

Like I said in earlier, it doesn't solve all your worries or anxities, but it does enough where you can tell a difference. I think it enables you to rebound quicker off of bad experieinces and keep pushing forward, whereas before it would be easier to fall into despair.

Of course, always check with your doctor first. I'm only speaking for myself and my grandfather (who I found out was taking as well).


Well-known member
Yeah it makes a real big difference really, but i think im addicted to it, ive been using it for 2 years and i tried to quit it twice, both times my depression came back, maybe even worse than before. But still id rather use it all my life than live with depression and anxiety.

when you were trying to get off of it how long had u been off before you started taking it again? because i went through quite a few very low lows but since i dont have a history of depression i figured it would pass and it did. I'm just curious i dont blame u for staying on them at all, it was what was right for you.


Well-known member
Linds said:
Yeah it makes a real big difference really, but i think im addicted to it, ive been using it for 2 years and i tried to quit it twice, both times my depression came back, maybe even worse than before. But still id rather use it all my life than live with depression and anxiety.

when you were trying to get off of it how long had u been off before you started taking it again? because i went through quite a few very low lows but since i dont have a history of depression i figured it would pass and it did. I'm just curious i dont blame u for staying on them at all, it was what was right for you.

Ive took it for 7-8 months than my doctor and i decided that i didnt have to go on, then i lowered the dosage within a month or so and then quitted taking it.

I didnt use it for 2.5 months, then my life started going for worse, not related to the pill though, and one night i cried, whis was so weird cos i hadnt cried for like 10 years, then i cried again next night lol, and its become a habbit, i cried almost everyday that week, then panic attacks reappeared. So i started takin Paxil again and withing a week or two, i was back to "normal".


Paxil can it stop trembling hans

dear all

Can paxil stop trembling hands and other symptoms of SP.

Does is cause erectile dysfunction?




Well-known member
Paxil, as one of the older SSRIs, is linked to erectile dysfunction, which will be experienced in as many as 80% of males (a much higher proportion than most people imagine). The newer dual-action (norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors), like Cymbalta, have not yet been linked to sexual dysfunction, which may make them a more attractive option. Of course, speak to your doctor about what's right for you. These newer drugs can be very expensive.


Well-known member
Re: Paxil can it stop trembling hans

joojo said:
dear all

Can paxil stop trembling hands and other symptoms of SP.

Does is cause erectile dysfunction?



It didnt cause erectile dysfuntion to me, not at all lol :oops:

And yes it did cure my trembling hands %100.


Well-known member
Hey guys. i got a question.

Can one consume alcohol once one has taken paxil?

What can I say bad habits die hard! :wink: