Paruresis (can't pee in public) anyone?


New member
Paruresis basically means you can't pee in public situations. I've had it for as long as I can remember. Exposure therapy is how you're supposed to get over it but I'm not having much success.
Anyone else have this curse?


Well-known member
Yep. It really sux when you have to pee so badly that it hurts. Just cant get the flow started. I usually whip out my phone and read some texts, or just read anything. Helps get it goin. It gets so bad with me that i cant go even if i think someone might hear me go.


Yeah, i just go into the private toilet. But does anyone find it hard to get it flowing, even when there's noone around?, bit worried i might have a medical problem there


Yeah, I've had this problem since.. middle school I think? I always thought it was pee shyness. Now I think it's more than just that though shyness can make it worse. I don't know what it is, at my age Im not supposed to be having prostate problems. Maybe some supplements will help. It sucks thought when you gotta go really bad and you're going everywhere searching for an empty restroom. Sometimes I just go in the restroom to check it out lol, then leave.


Well-known member
I'm female and I get pee shy. I can't imagine if I had to stand up at a urinal right next to someone. It's bad enough being in a stale right next to someone. It's helps me if I flush the toilet. I guess the sound of flowing water makes my water flow? hah. I don't know.


Well-known member
^^ lol

i just dont like going in public restrooms....gross! does that count? luckily my body goes into shut down mode when i'm away from home.