PAROXETINE (Write to this one)


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Today my doctor prescribed me Paroxetine. Would like to know the opinions of people that have tried this drug.


Well-known member
I use it and I like it but there are certainly divided opinions on this forum.
It has been posted as a topic a few times sometimes under paxil, sometimes under seroxat.

There are side effects with, what I can gather, the women who have used it complaining of a loss of orgasm. I find that it really aids with depression and anxiety and its great to have something for anxiety other than a benzo drug. It also seems to make me feel more outgoing.


Well-known member
ok so how long does it take for it to start working? cos i took one today. and tomorrow ill take a drug called bepomazam or something, i hope they don't interact with each other.


Well-known member
From memory it takes a couple of weeks (three or even more) to fully kick in but some of the effect may start much earlier than that.

The other medication that you mention sounds like a benzo (there are lots of posts on them here too). It would not clash in any way with the other medication. This drug would be to treat anxiety and would work immediately, a half hour or less after you take it. That is presuming that it is what I think it is. Incidently, you do not want to take benzo-type medication beyond a two week period if you can avoid it as they are highly addictive and some people have problems getting off them.


Well-known member
erika 21 said:

perhaps bromazepam? Lexotan*
In case u got this one, is in my opinion, the safest benzo. since it acts more psychologically than physically at least on myself. can make you asleepy so dont drive on them (i guess?)


Well-known member
in two days time i took 3 of the benzo things as i have college at those days. and i feel weird, today i was so relaxed, maybe the paxil is starting to work.

and thanxs for all of your replys, i appreciate it a lot.



I have experience with both Paxil and Xanax (I have taken bromazepam in the past as well). I have been on 10mg of paxil ever since it was first released (around 1996-1997) and 2 1/2 tablets of 0.25 mg of Xanax for this same amount of time. I found that taking the Paxil alone helped quite a bit with my various fears, but for some reason gave me alot of anxiety at the same time. The Xanax took away alot of this anxiety. The last two and a half months I have not been taking any paxil to see what I would be like without it and also have cut down to one 0.25mg of Xanax once per day. The withdraw symptoms for the first two months were terrible and I'm just now starting to feel a bit better. It seems that with paxil I have more confidence and now that I have not been taking it I'm trying to get my confidence back. If I have to go back on a medication like Paxil I think I will try a low dosage of Zoloft as the withdraw symptoms with it are not suppose to be as bad as with paxil. One other thing I've noticed with Paxil is that ever since I started taking it I have lost a fair bit of hair on the sides of my legs and head. Now after not taking it for a few months I see hairs starting to re-appear in these areas. Alopecia is one of the possible side effects with these antidepressants and it looks like I am one of the few who has experienced this side effect. I really hope I can manage to live without taking one as it would be nice to have all my hair grow back. As for bromazepam I found it to be similar to Xanax. Unless I take very small dosages of them they will both make me feel sort of dead if I am not taking an antidepressant along with them. What dosage of Paxil are you taking?


Well-known member
Yeah it helps, but not as much to make you normal. For me it's just stopped the physical symptoms.


Well-known member
I am taken paroxetine since november 2004 and in this moment I am very good,but my personality have changed;I have no emotions,no sense,I don't cry,etc...
elparanoic said:
I am taken paroxetine since november 2004 and in this moment I am very good,but my personality have changed;I have no emotions,no sense,I don't cry,etc...

I experienced emotional numbness too... I think paxil may interfere with emotional mechanisms. However, this side effect was worth the tradeoff of paxil's calming of some mental but primarily physical symptoms of social anxiety.

I have taken both Zoloft and Paxil, but I didn't give either one a perfect, clean shot. I was on Paxil first, for 5-6 months, but was on accutane at the same time, which reduces serotonin levels. I was on Zoloft for only 3 months. Keeping these scenarios in mind, here is how these medications affected me:

- ZOLOFT: I found Zoloft to be more effective than Paxil in combating depression. In fact, Zoloft diminished my depression almost completely. Previous to Zoloft, I had both dysthymia and major depression, as well as other conditions related to low serotonin levels (e.g. suicidial thoughts, violent and aggressive thoughts and behaviors towards people who cared about me). I found Zoloft almost completely removed these conditions caused by serotonin defficiency. To the person who suffers from depression alone, Zoloft is a dream drug.

I quit Zoloft because it did not seem to help much with my social anxiety. At the time, I was thinking that perhaps my social anxiety is caused by dopamine deficiency, not serotonin. After quitting, I noticed a full return of my serotonin deficiency conditions, and I immediately realized how much Zoloft had improved my quality of life by enhancing mood. I regret not staying on Zoloft for an additional month or two to see if it would have an increased affect on social anxiety during that period.

I also found the side effects of taking Zoloft and quitting Zoloft to be slightly less than those of Paxil. Zoloft seems like a cleaner, purer SSRI. However, Paxil's greater effectiveness for my social anxiety may lie in its lack of purity as an SSRI.

I took Paxil for 5-6 months, my first semester at college. I noticed personality changes, or perhaps I would say my true personality emerging. My first month at college, I hardly ate because I can't eat much with people watching me. I sat by myself tucked in a corner of the cafeteria. A month or two later, I was eating comfortably at a table full of friends and able to enjoy meals somewhat instead of viewing them as something to survive, a sort of suffering experience. By 5th month, my last month of Paxil but a month after I had quit Accutane, I had some outgoing episodes. For instance, I left my tray at an empty table and returned with a plate of food to find two attractive freshman girls sitting in seats right by mine. Instead of sheepishly moving away, I stayed and semi-comfortably was able to enjoy myself talking and flirting with these girls. Before paxil, my speech mechanisms would have tensed up and I would have been unable to interact in that way. During this meal, I was still unable to eat much food, so it is true that my inability to eat under pressure lingered on, though to a lesser extent. Anyways it was a good time. Small victories like these may sound pathetic to non-sufferers, but to me it meant something. If I could experience this sort of social interaction daily, quality of life would skyrocket.