Haha, that was a genial advice. Didn´t you read, she is trying but how is she supposed to move out without money, without job?? Even is she had money, her parents take it out of her.
I did read, I had to suck it up & deal with the world anyways to gain independence.
I thoroughly read it. It seems that's really the only way change is going to happen.
It was painful, scary & stressful, but worth it, down the line.
Yes, my heart goes out to the OP... But what other choices are there in that miserable situation?
She could start with odd jobs, sell some things, hide her money on herself until she can buy a few OTC items, like benadryl.
Just to start with, just enough to take the anxiety down a notch to start working fast food, or whatever kind of work she can find.
Or, she can keep living the way she has been, which is worse?
To the OP... If you just needed to vent only, I apologize for trying to help find solutions. I do hope things can somehow change for the better.