paranoid lurker


New member
hi, i've been lurking on these message boards for several weeks. i registered recently but i don't think i will post all that often. it doesn't look like very many of you post that often. are most of you uncomfortable posting in anonymous internet fora? there are few new posts on a day to day basis. i finished reading all the older posts this afternoon so i hope posting picks up in the future or lurkers won't have a reason to visit this place.

i see there is quite a bit of troll activity on this board... where are the moderators? do those of you who post feel like you're being laughed at by the adolescent trolls who frequent this forum? the trolls obviously feel contempt for you and your anxiety disorders. it is hard for me to post when i think half the other people on the messageboard are trolls. do any socially anxious people here feel like they are being laughed and sneered at by the trolls?

what is up with usernames like 'vulvectomy'? my one aunt had cancer 'down there' and she went through much pain and suffering. i think some of these offensive usernames indicate the owners of the 'amusing' handles are not serious or truthful about anything.

finally, i wanted to be 'invisible' to other registered users when i log in but my username is always in the mini messenger. is there any way i could have my name removed from the mini messenger? someone sent me a 'welcome' mini message but i never messaged back. i do not want to message anyone but i might want to post more on the message board.

you don't know who you're talking to on the any of you feel like the trolls are sending you pms? you could be corresponding with a vile adolescent punk instead of a real social phobe.the trolls might lie and pretend to empathise with you...they could use false names and fabricate events in their backgrounds to put you at ease so you reveal humiliating personal details about yourselves. there are many sick people who find joy in the suffering of others...they amuse themselves in very creepy ways.

i hate trolls


Well-known member
No, to just about all your questions. :D I know from what I've read on this forum that there are a few users on here who feel uncomfortable about posting but I wouldn't worry about it.

No, I don't feel I'm being "laughed at" or "sneered at" and nor should you. I just totally ignore posts that are silly. Anyway, I should imagine any "trolls" have issues themselves, if not anxiety problems then they are obviously friendless and have serious hang-ups or they wouldn't be posting silly messages on a serious message board in the first place.

I don't know about unusual user names, I chose "alter_ego" because it means "other self" - I can be myself with people I know well but I feel really uneasy with people I don't know. Most people don't believe I'm shy but I don't have very much confidence really.

Don't know about the "registered users" part either, maybe someon else can answere that question...?

Anyway, hope you find this forum helpful. I've personally found it extremely helpful. :D


Well-known member
HI welcome to the site... I dont mean to sound harsh but maby you should n't bother joining this site if since you have so many concerns. Thats just my opoinion.

To answere your some of your questions.

1) The trolls are usualy the same member with multiple accounts.

2) The lack of activity is partly because of timing of year and once again people haveing multiple accounts to get past the post limits. So this site doesnt have as many members as we would like to believe.

3) You cant wast time worrying about who you are chating with because just like in the outside world people sometimes lie about their true identiy online. When you meet people oustside the internet your still not sure either about who it is your talking to so just go slow at first until you feel more comfortable.

4) If you dont want others to know your on the site dont log on until youre about to post or reply.

5) As for the odd names on this site. All sites on the net have members with strange names. Just look at the names on my space.

6) Being laugh at? Theres alwayse going to be a few imature people who laugh at others but most of us on this site have been laughed at all of our lives so we know what its like to be on the recieveing end of insensative coments and are very understanding.I think they call it compassion.

7) No reply? Many times we all see post that we cant relate to so we simply dont reply cause we have nothing we think we can add. We still care tho.

8) Finaly It pretty clear by your paranoia thats you are one of us and do belong on this site.LOL Relax your among friends here.


Well-known member
I don't think i have actually seen evidence of people being laughed at on here. I don't know whether everyone here is a genuine social phobe but it's a risk i and other members take, and why would a non sufferer waste their time to come on this site when they could be on youtube o'r something?

The on site i have experienced abuse is on youtube so i deleted my videos from there.


Well-known member
Honestly Dismas, you seem waaayy too paranoid about this site ~ it's simply to state your opinion/realize that there are others that feel the same way.
I'm sure there are probably a few fakes on here trying to amuse themselves but so fuckin what! They likely just assume that people with social anxiety are all afraid to write anything back to them/stand up for themselves (easy target, right?) Anybody who comes on this site to "laugh" at the posts is obviously a total loser.... so who would truly care what they thought or how often they laughed at a post?? There are so many genuine people on here that actually have something to say, so don't worry about the fakes that "taunt" you or whatever you're worried about.
I really couldn't care less if everyone in this forum laughed at my posts ~ the fact is nobody here really knows me or will ever meet me, so for all I care they could write a million nasty things about my posts. That still won't affect my opinion in any way. I'm here and they're there, so what could happen?? If a "troll" would like to say whatever ~ go 4 it!
By the way, what's the point of appearing invisible on here? So nobody will message you? I mean, this site is for people that have extreme anxiety over socialization.....SERIOUSLY ~ how many people are gonna be leaping at the chance to socialize one on one with anybody else on here???? :roll: If there's a slight chance someone messages you & you don't wanna message back, don't! It's simple. What are they gonna do to you? Send a dirty look through the computer screen?