Paranoid falsely accused


New member
Hi there, new to forum. First of all let me explain who I am. I am a college graduate and work in a professional field and I feel as if I am pretty intelligent. I was an honors student and always very athletic. I believe in God and come from a good Christian family.

Just wondering if anyone else can relate to this. Well, first off I will say my OCD began about 7 years ago when I was falsely accused of something and arrested then all charges were dropped. The cops where all in on it and they even told me they would try and get the maximum sentence of 5 years. Well, whenever I saw the number 5 I would try and avoid it and think of something else, or would start my thoughts over once I saw the number 5. I would not even push the preset button on my radio that was the number 5. Well, thank God all the charges were dropped, so of course I felt the OCD worked. This was the start of my nightmare. Then, I went through the whole HIV scare, this has been ongoing for the last 6 years, it ruined my marriage and my whole life. I need not explain because almost all OCD sufferers know what I am talking about. I didnt even like using the word know because there is an hiv commercial that says "know hiv" and that word would freak me out. Every time I walked through a door, turned on a sink, washed my hands, anything that involved any sort of action, if I thought of anything hiv related, a famous person who had it, a commercial, anything, I had to do it all over without that thought. This involved walking through doors numerous times. I still think I can get hiv through the oddest ways. However, with my last hiv test being negative and not having sex, I keep telling myself I am negative.

However, OCD wont just go away. I figure it needs to manifest into something else. So now that the hiv scare is gone, I need to worry about something else. So I am now worried someone will again make a false accusation of me.

To top all of this off, everytime I think someone is going to call me they do, everytime I think about a car, I see it. You wont believe when I was worried about hiv, I would see positive sgns, (hiv+) The list goes on and on but trying to keep this short. It really consumes my whole day. This makes the OCD seem logical and worse, because if I see these things and try to erase them from my mind, i.e. not parking next to that car. Another example is that I opened my car door and the first thing I would see is a positive sign, so I would go back in my car and try again til it didn't happen. Let alone all the thoughts that go through your head getting out of the door are enough to start the rituals.

Well, do you think the start was really OCD or considered PTSD, being falsely accused. That really messed my whole life up. Anyways, I am trying to deal with it but this ongoing worry that someone else is going to falsely accuse me is killing me, and this is why I am on here.



OMG your OCD seems a looooooot like mine.
its horrible
i had the whole scare about diseases and stuff i cant even write the name on here because that will bother me.
but ya like the car thing was totally true for me or like the hand washing and not thinking about a disease or the person or else i would have to wash my hands again and then if i washed them and thought about good things but then walked out the bathroom doorway and thought about it i would have to repeat everything all over again .
its sooo annoying
im on medication now so it got better but i still have thnoughts i cant get rid of


Sounds like that incident with the cops had a deep effect on you. During that fearful period you probably weren't thinking rationally and you have con'd yourself into believing that avoiding 5's actually made some difference to the end result.

And regarding all the coincidences(people calling after you thought about them) I bet there has been many times you have thought about someone and they didn't call you. You are just piecing together all the times the coincidences came to eventuate and basing your beliefs off that.

It's happened to everyone, you think all the time, thousands of thoughts you don't think eventually you're going to think of something then it pops up somewhere in your life? Garuntee if I was over there and told you to predict the next car to come down the street you would be wrong at least 95% of the time.

Honestly if you are going to live your life with this kind of fear you might be happier serving 5 years in prison...


Well-known member
moonlight said:
Honestly if you are going to live your life with this kind of fear you might be happier serving 5 years in prison...

That's probably what the ones who tried to get him locked up want him to feel. If they couldn't send him to jail, they want him to be traumatized for life. Some people are so fu*ked up.

I feel for you jackamo, really I do.

You need to know that you are still alive and healthy and you had won the battle. They didn't get to send you to jail. I think since you're from a religious background, you should ask for god's help in battling OCD. God is on your side. I truly believe that God helps the ones who want to change for the better. You don't have to always be in control and analyze every little thing. Let God take over sometimes. I will pray for you tonight, for you to get better from OCD. (mind you I'm not of the same religion as you hehe) I hope you pray for yourself as well...and pray for me too. I have OCD too, you know. lol



New member
I will pray for you and thanks for the replys from all. It helps when people out there know what I am going through. It took 7 years to even say something on this site. My mom is the only one that knows, at least thats what I think. Well, my sister too but she wont ever say anything around me. I hide it well around people for the most part, unless they just dont say anything either. I wish their was a pill to take and it would go away. I hate this and I now know that mental problems can happen to anyone, trust me I never thought I would end up like this. I thought those people were nuts, but man was I wrong. I have sympathy for everyone. Well, I wish more people knew about these things, like the truth about them. You can try to explain it but you think they would understand?


I can totally understand your predicament and I hope you find support here. Pills aren't the way to go, you were once in a healthy state of mind and I'm sure you can get back there again.

Maybe getting this off your chest on this site was a good first step for you. Obviously you can't just tell your issues to anyone as not everyone will respond in an understanding and compassionate manor. Like you said, you once looked at this kind of situation in a different light yourself. So maybe it's best to only confide in the people you really trust. Maybe a support group would be good for you...

Have you tried forcing to break your rituals? Try going against the grain a bit? I wish you well, hopefully you can find your happy place again...


i know that pills shouldn't be the way to go, but OCD is a disorder of a chemical in the brain, so maybe if u do take an SSRI it will help u a lot. I have the same problems as u, as i posted earlier in this thread. I started taking an antidepressant and it helped a looooot. i still get thoughts and stuff sometimes but its wayyyy less than it used to be. sometimes i forget i have ocd even because it almost feels like im normal. I'm thinking bout doing cognitive behavior therapy just to make it go away more. but ya meds certainly helped me a lot.


Well-known member
There's no magic pill, jockamo, but drugs, when controlled by an speciallist, can be helpful, as they aleviate symptoms and then you can start a therapy. I have OCD, too, although it was not severe as mine and I have not been through nothing comparable to what you have been through. Now I'm better, but I suspect I will always be a bit obsessive. I wish you get better from you OCD.