paradigm shift ( Mentalyblind's journal )


Well-known member
I just had a paradigm shift and a new wonderful outlook on life. As in my last post about social engineering and how it changed everything for me and how everything started coming together, I found myself taking up running and now I have a few people that run with me. I gotta say that being outside running with others or alone is amazing, especially when all you eat and drink is fruit and water for a few days...yea thats all.

I gave in to the nutrition and working out mindset. If i give myself a ritual to follow every day of my life I will feel better, Plus it makes me look awesome and great like I use too. I am up to 10 miles a day. and my social skills are getting better but once I feel like I want to be alone and everyone seems really annoying I just tell them that I have to feed my cat or do something like the dishes or something.

Went to a party...didn't drink BUT still had a great time.:)

to be continued tomorrow...


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Well-known member
Hello Journal!

last night I passed out on the couch, i don't know why, BUT when I woke up I was freezing ! so I just finished doing 5 sets of 11 pushups and 5 sets of 11 situps and now off to do my run that I very much enjoy. and we will see what happens after that

to be continued at the end of the day.


Well-known member
thats not a lot lol I can do 100 each but i rather not be worn out for my run I like to go 10 miles a day for my run and if i spend all my energy doing sitps and pushups I'll be too tired


Well-known member
I meant wow to all the great things you're doing for yourself overall :eek: Running socially, taking care of health, exercising upon waking, fasting even, that's.. *slow clap*


Well-known member
well I figured that no one is going to help me with my problems and so I had to just jump in and do something about it. I lived with it far too long and now it's time to put all my fear and worry behind me. You just have to see it as something amazing and exciting not to forget life changing. thats what we all strive for isn't it? a better life?


Well-known member
Yea today running in the rain (big mistake) i slipped and smashed my face into a rock on the trail. i chipped a tooth. not badly but still. but i shrugged it off and kept running to finish my distance. gf called and we made out for like 2 hours and then went to get icecream :D today was a pretty good day


Well-known member
never wrote in this for a while, well here is a late post. my days will be consist of school and paper work for a long time, then I figured I would drop out of psychology major and do something I have always wanted to do is film and video production. at the end of the day you have to do the things you care about.. am I right?