Panic disorder with Agorophobia?


New member
So, I am new to this and was wondering if anyone else experiences the same things that I do. I have had a issue on and off since I was 17 years old. I have panic attacks and now I also think that I am agoraphobic. I can not ride in cars with other people whether I am the one driving or not. I panic even thinking about it. It has been worse about the past year or so I won't even get in a car with other people. I am now having a hard time going anywhere away from mine or my boyfriends house without being anxious about it. Can anyone help?


New member
Hi..yes you are right...and you are not alone. I had panic attack syndrome and a bad back problem...I am now just back to a "normal" life but it took years..
I too became agraphobic..I believe it is because attacks can come on so quickly and (in my case) would happen multiple times per is only natural that one gets to not want to go out...and for me I could not stand planning something in advance..because I never knew if I would be ok or not..
Although I still believe pannic attack are caused on by either a virus or a reaction to some type of chemical...after suffering them for so long...I did start to "ignore" them...but this was only once they subsided to a level where I could know I would be physically ok.
