Panic attack meds??


New member
Can anyone tell me what the best medication for panic attacks are? I have been afraid to try anything other than Ativan and that is only short term, any help would be sooo appreciated.


New member

Due to general anxiety which exhibited itself in panic attacks, my psychiatrist prescribed two or three tricyclic antidepressants, over a period of four years. None of them helped me.

Due to the phobias I suffered, he was able to prescribe Nardil, an MAO
inhibitor. Within less than two weeks, the relief I felt was amazing.
I got my life back exaggeration.

The diet restrictions have to be followed and that is a minor inconvenience to me compared to a peaceful mind.

I've been taking Nardil for thirty years. Maybe I do not need it any more but I don't want to take the risk.