Panic after being alone for 24 hours


I've recently started taking Xanax and Wellbutrin for my panic/anxiety/depression, and it's helped decrease the number of panic attacks I've been having. Before I was on this combination of medications I'd have them multiple times a week, usually at night. Now I'm noticing a pattern though. When I'm alone for a little longer than a day I have the worst panic attacks, it's always been like this, but since I've been having less it gives me more time to think about the ones I am having.
It really sucks that I'm an agoraphobic.


New member
Are you able to get yourself out maybe in late evening and go for a walk or exercise? Maybe even doing some exersices at home such as push-ups may help you relax more.


Well-known member
shortly after I lost my job, I found myself alone for days on end. I remember balling up in the fetal position on the floor with severe panic attacks. I had a couple of friends who knew of this and would let me call them, anytime, day or night. It helped hearing another voice to help me calm down.

What Strings said would be helpful. If you can get out for a walk, or exercise, listening to loud music - anything to keep your mind off the panic attack.