

Well-known member
hey thoughtless...i know what you mean about feeling somewhat'm having a good few days... :) ..and then having a shit knock you back down...happens to me all the time :evil: ....and i hate the haircut thing too.....bad enough staring at myself during the cut....then all the gazillion mirrors in there with everyone else staring too 8O


Well-known member
Xanax isn't a miracle pill. It doesn't always work and does not help with avoidant behaviors.


Well-known member
hey sweetie!! i'm sorry i didn't see this before, i don't know how it got past me!!

i feel your pain, oh god do i feel your pain <hugs>

this moment as with everything WILL PASS i promise. one day you will look back on this and probably won't laugh (b/c i never do) but you'll say that you're glad it's over and that you're where you're at at that point.

all of us have had moments like that, too many to count, and it's even worse when you see how red you are, but you just have to let it go and march on in this life. it's mindset, all mindset! anyone who looks at this world through a negative mind will only get negative things out of it. i hope your spirits lift and tomorrow's a new day.


Active member
Awwwwwww don't be so hard on yourself. You were in a situation that was loaded with anticipatory anxiety before you even left home, you had to wait til you were called to the chair, you had to sit still while some stranger touched your hair, no possible route of escape or way of leaving the situation once in it that wouldn't look bizarre, you had to sit right in front of a mirror, you had to sit being given attention by the hairdresser while other patrons sat and could see you, then you have to get up and walk past everyone. I mean it's totally LOADED! Be kind on yourself, and just applaud the fact that you actually went there and how brave that is. Love xxxxxxx


Well-known member
yeah, you really hit the nail on the head JJenny, the more the anticipation, the worse things can end up if anythign goes wrong...


Well-known member
Hi thoughtless :) I think you should be proud of going through with it. yes you started blushing, but thats what is supposed to happen when you do these things that you fear. the important thing is that you look at it the right way, you didn't fail you actualy done something brave. exposure is like dieting you dont loose 50 lb in one day. just because you started to blush is not a problem, but putting yourself down is . I used to get the same fear going any place, i still do but i think its the way i started looking at things that made it better. so congrats to you and dont give up.