

Well-known member
With warm weather pretty much here, my HH is in full effect, and I feel like crap! Excessive sweating everywhere (except my armpits, stomach and back?), and disgusting, clammy skin is driving me crazy. I have a hard time sitting through class when I am sweating and overheated. In fact, I often leave to put water on my face (which interferes with note-taking).

I took Ditropan in the past, and had early success. But as my HH has gotten worse, the dosage had to be increased to unacceptable levels. Side-effects like dry mouth, drowsiness, and overheating/red skin were too much.

My doctor decided to put me on Oxytrol last week, which is the "patch" version of oxybutynin. Because it is not metabolized, it may have fewer side effects. My doctor theorized that I could use a higher dosage than with the oral version. I will let you all know how it goes......
Wow...I'd like more info on this myself.

I too found that the tablets were having too many side effects on me...My sinuses were dry and painful and my mouth felt like it went on holiday to the Sahara Desert.

Would love to know how you fare with this...



Well-known member
Would also love to hear how that goes. I was always told that the side effects are what you want (they let u know it is working) so the benefit and side effects go hand in hand. If this works without as many side effects I would be very interested.


Well-known member
(they let u know it is working)

They let you know something is going on...but unless it stops my sweating I wouldn't exactly call it 'working'... :lol:

I see what you mean though, unfortunately for now it seems people with HH have to take a lot of bad things if they want to get rid of the sweating...

Personally I have always strongly disliked the idea of taking medication, especially medication with so many side effects (well, I guess nobody really WANTS to take medication), but having exhausted all the other methods (aluchloride and tap water iontoforesis --> not effective and BOTOX --> very helpful, but also a lot of trouble to get on a steady regular basis in sufficient amounts + not treating all areas of my HH) and with my HH seeming to get worse over time, I'm now accepting the fact that I haven't really got a choice...

So, basically what I'm saying is that I fourth the interest in how you get on with this... :lol:

Good luck!


Well-known member
Bumping this thread:

Someone on another forum seems to have had success with the Oxytrol patch (she incorrectly calls it an "Oxybutrol patch")

whew!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Undiagnosed Symptoms - MedHelp

In any case, here is the drug's official website: OXYTROL - The first and only transdermal system to treat overactive bladder. Oxytrol provides convenient twice weekly dosing with a skin patch and is a new way to gain confidence for those who suffer from a bladder control problem.

I used these for about a month and didn't notice a huge difference. I began to sweat less but, as usual with anticholinergics, I was also getting red and hot. I believe I have a stubborn case of HH, especially since it is generalized, and is accompanied by a sense of permanent heat intolerance. I am sure this would work well for some people (especially if their HH is isolated to the feet, hands, or armpits). They could also combine it with a strong anti-perspirant or with iontophoresis.

Ultimately, if this has fewer side affects than oral Ditropan, I would ask your doctors about it. I don't know of availability outside of the U.S.
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Well-known member
have you tried glyco?

If you take glyco via ionto I have noticed great results with less side affects typical of glyco. The crush glyco mixed in the water also increases how long ionto works and really can pin point in the especially sweat areas like hands and feet and then some of the glyco still goes elsewhere in the body but not as much, if you get what i mean. So you will still sweat less all over. Great results, the only hassle is doing the ionto, i hope to get the Idromed 5 PS tho. You can do your hands and feet at once with almost no pain!!!!