Overcome The Fear.)


why do u fear as long as your fear is inside u
u should knew that
no one knew what u feel . u the onlyone who can controll his feel and allow others knew or not knew your inner feeling.
dont allow others to knew or noticed what u feel.
the main nervous thing we suffer from is our fearing from people may perceive our fear
so the verse of social phobia is that we dont fear from people but we fear from people may perceive our fear from them.
we have to overcome this fear and should knew we are equal to other
we dont deserve live with fear
we have to tell ourselves that we are equal we dont deserve fear we are not weak
the reason fo fear is we care much about people . we care what will they say to us .what will they think of us .
write your feel down and read it and write the result of this feel
burn this paper
on another paper write what will happen if u gived up this feel and this thoughts and write what u feel and read it repeatedly
now no fear
iam is myself i do what i want. i say what i want.


Well-known member
Well put friend :) Interesting perspective when you state "the main nervous thing we suffer from is our fearing from people may perceive our fear".
For many people that would be a higher level of anxiety disorder, when it becomes projected outwards...this could also be an early form of Psychosis.
I found a neat abbreviation for our friend, fear:


New member
Nice abreviation.
One of my favourite quotes was made by President Roosevelt...
'The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!'


Well-known member
shy2d2 said:
Nice abreviation.
One of my favourite quotes was made by President Roosevelt...
'The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!'

Frankly this the most supidest thing that i have heard from that genocide loving president
What in the hell does that mean?

Well, i allow myself to rearrange the quote from the president (who was sadly shot on my birthday) into something perhaps useful :

"It's not what fear can do for you - it is what you can do for your fear"