Out of the ordinary trouble when talking

All my life I have never had a problem with speech and I know it's not serious now. But sometimes it's like I just can't find the right words and can't get the right word out. This usually happens when I'm talking to random people, but has also happened with my family.

I'm guessing this is part of my anxiety and the fear of being judged or something, does anyone else ever have this?


Well-known member
I find that I talk extremely fast. I've discovered that its probably because I just want to get out what I have to say and get the spotlight off of me as fast as I can.

If I'm intimidated by the person I'm talking to (which is most people in my life except for close family and friends) I can hardly fit sentences together in a normal way. It probably isn't as bad as I feel it is though. I certainly struggle with finding the right word, so I probably come across as simple. Because I get so paralyzed I'm sure I'm hardly able to come across as a thoughtful person.