Out Of The "Comfort Zone"


Well-known member
I feel that I go out of my "comfort zone" quite often.... which could be because I'm uncomfortable in a lot of different social/unfamiliar situations.

Most of the friends I've had over the years are kinda shy ~ but nowhere near as anxious in social settings as I am. They always want me to go over to THEIR houses and meet THEIR families and hang out with THEIR other friends and chill at THEIR fave places (which are all totally unfamiliar to me.) I try to be a good friend and kinda suck it up & go with the flow, even though I'm freaking out about it inside. Whenever I suggest for my friends to hang out with MY other friends or meet MY family or go to MY house/fave places (the things that are familiar to me & where I feel really comfortable) they decline any offer and make excuses as to why they cannot. It seems that it's always their way or no way and I really don't get why they ALL do that!!

I just don't understand why the people who are supposed to be my friends continually get me to leave my "comfort zone" (knowing how anxious it makes me feel) when they won't ever even attempt to leave their own!


Well-known member
can't really say anything for why they do that,i dont have much experience with friends.but i can say i lost so many opportunities and sometimes wasted my time in the past with friends just because i wasnt able to speak up and tell them what i was thinking.if you are strong enough and you tell them how you feel,you are gonna save yourself so much time from wondering y they do that.but if you are like me,then you 'r probably gonna keep your thoughts for yourself and feel bad:confused: