Other fears


Well-known member
What other phobias or fears do you have? I hate spiders (not as bad as it used to be) and I don't like being on airplanes very much. Also my fear of the dark, usually in the early hours of the morning, has come back. It's not the dark I'm afraid of, it's what it conceals.

Anyone else care to share?


Well-known member
I'm scared of bears...I don't know if any of you have played the game Bear Hunting on the computer. But, I was about 6 or 7 playing this with my cousin for the first time. The bear killed me and it's scarred me from then on! :roll:

I also hate heights and am scared of spiders...


Well-known member
Tab said:
It's not the dark I'm afraid of, it's what it conceals.
I've got a fear similar to that. I'm afraid of swimming in lakes or any water that you can't look through clearly. I used to be afraid of swimming pools cuz I'd always freak myself out by convincing myself that there's a shark lurking in the deep end (although if you're racing someone it's an awesome strategy to imagine a shark behind you 8) ). And I will never, ever swim in the middle of the ocean, even if I have all kinds of safety gear, etc. I'd rather be lost in the middle of a forest with no survival stuff...as long as it wasn't at night lol :p

I'm also afraid of revealing too much about myself.


Well-known member
I'm clausterphobic and afraid of being stuck in an elevator. A few years ago, I was in one and when it went down, it stopped. Then the lights went off and the doors wouldn't open. They did open a couple minutes later but it seemed like an eternity stuck in there. I avoid them as much as possible! I'm also afraid of flying.


Well-known member
needles (mainly b/c I'm afraid of pain though, but I getting better w/this one... I can give blood now but it still makes me nervous)
spiders and bugs
unexpected noises
being completely alone anywhere at night (which sucks b/c w/ SA I'm often the only one at my apt. for long periods of time and I get really paranoid and think I hear an intruder or think I smell smoke or other things)
I'm not claustrophobic b/c I can be in really small rooms and stuff but I'm affraid of really small spaces that you need to crawl through to get places b/c I'm affraid I'll get stuck even if I see some one biger than me get through